Maintenance You Can Do for Your Air Conditioner

The importance of a regular maintenance schedule cannot be emphasized enough. Whether it’s your roof, your plumbing, or your air conditioning, getting different areas in your home regularly checked out is a great way to circumvent future problems as things break down or wear out. The most important aspect of an AC is its ability to keep your home cool and comfortable, especially during the hotter months of the year. However, due to how heavily it can be used, especially if you live in a hotter area, and how much an AC is regularly needed, many homeowners fail to give their AC the care it needs before they discover a problem. Here are some tips on how you can take care of your air conditioning unit before any unforeseen complications have a chance to develop.

Change Filters Regularly

Every two months, change the filter in your air conditioner. This is necessary because the filter collects and traps the dust, dirt, and other particles that may otherwise contaminate the air. A full filter will block the airflow blowing through the unit, making it harder to pull air in or circulate it throughout the house. If this happens and is allowed to linger, it will cause an air leak, leading to high energy bills and lower efficiency ratings.

Check for Leaks

If you notice a leak while you’re changing out your filters, do not ignore it. A leaking AC can result in higher energy bills and an uncomfortable environment for all those who use the space around it. Do not hesitate to contact a qualified technician immediately if you notice any leakage or have reason to seriously believe one is present.

Clean the Condenser

It would be best if you cleaned your condenser at least once every two years. This ensures that there are no clogs or obstructions in the system. If you notice any dirt or debris on the unit, take it to a professional who can help you clean out the condenser and ensure it is in proper working condition.

Check Airflow

To check the airflow of your AC, check the vents and fans of your HVAC system. Be sure they’re open and unobstructed by furniture, blockages, or other objects. To test whether or not your system is pushing cooler air throughout your house you’re going to need at least two, but possibly more, thermometers. Leave them in various rooms around your house, monitoring them throughout the day while the AC is meant to be running. If the temperature never drops, or even begins to rise, this may be an indicator that your unit is simply moving air but not cooling it.

In the wintertime you can perform this experiment again, and this time look for the opposite results: warmer rooms and rising temperatures. If the temperature never changes, or gets colder, your heating system also may have problems.

Check for Loose Parts

Before turning on your AC, make sure that all of its parts are securely fastened in place so that they do not come loose during operation. Loose parts can cause damage to other components and prevent them from operating properly.

Have a Technician Inspect Your AC

It may seem like a daunting task to do all of this on your own, but if you are not comfortable doing so, have a professional come in and provide you with a thorough inspection. A professional can assess the condition of your system and determine if it needs any work.

If you have problems with your AC, you should call an air conditioner repair service, one like Metro Express Service, today. The technicians will help you get your unit back up and running in no time. They will also provide you with detailed information on how to prevent AC issues from occurring in the future.