How to Make Your New Home Secure After Moving In

Home Secure

Moving to a new place comes with all sorts of challenges, but some people believe that the greatest challenge they face is ensuring their new home is secure. It’s easy to forget that not everyone has the same or even close to the same concerns about security, so the home you’re moving into might not have the security features you would want. If you have recently moved into a new home, follow the below tips for making your home as secure as possible.

Go Through the Entire House Top to Bottom

Before you start moving boxes and furniture into your new home, go through the entire house. Look through each room and see if there are any problem areas. For example, pay close attention to the windows. Make sure they all have locks that are working properly. If not, then you will need to replace either the whole window or find ways to make them secure. You might need to add security screens to the windows as well. Also, make sure the locks on all the doors work. You might want to consider hiring a locksmith to change them out.

Hire an Alarm Installer

Hire an alarm installer shortly after moving into your new home. Install a simple alarm system; consider professional installation with a monitored system to ensure you’re getting the best service possible. You might even want to upgrade the system to include video surveillance so you can keep watch on your home while you are away.

Get an Insurance Policy for Your Home

Get an insurance policy for your home right before you move in. It’s recommended that you get one when you move in and as soon as you have a lock installed on your front door. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Make sure you have coverage that will offer compensation in case of a break in.

Get a Dog

Consider getting a dog for added peace of mind. Dogs aren’t just for security; they’re also great companions to have around the house. If you want the security that comes from having a dog, look into which breeds are great at deterring intruders.

Join Your Local Neighborhood Watch Program

Join your local neighborhood watch program shortly after moving in. You don’t have to be aggressive or confrontational, but rather let people in your community know what’s up when it comes to crime in your area. Joining a neighborhood watch program in your area can give you a greater sense of community and security as well.

Install New Doors

A new front door or garage door can add extra security to your home. You don’t want to have older doors with cracks in them as they are easier to open without a key. Look into companies that offer special security doors as well. This will give you more peace of mind.

Install an Approved System for Locking Your Doors

Install an approved lock on the front door of your home. You don’t want to be too paranoid when it comes to being locked out of your own home, but you don’t want to be sloppy about it either. If you can afford some professional installation, then, by all means, do so without question.

Moving to a new place is exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. In order to make sure your life in your new home is going to be as fun, safe, and adventurous as possible, you need to make sure you’re doing everything you can to make sure it’s secure, and nothing bad can happen there.