5 Ways To Teach Your Child About Plumbing

When considering the things you need to teach your child as they grow up, it’s no surprise that plumbing may not be at the top of your list. Instead, you are probably more concerned about reading, writing, and arithmetic. However, teaching your child some plumbing basics when they are young will pay off in many ways you may not have imagined. If you’re wondering what to do next, here are five ways you can help your child learn about plumbing.

Toilet Dos and Don’ts

When your young child first sees water swirling around and then disappearing down the toilet bowl, they may be fascinated. Unfortunately, this fascination may lead them to send toys, keys, and plenty of other interesting things down the toilet, which as you know can lead to big plumbing repairs. Therefore, teach your child the dos and don’ts regarding the toilet. Basically, numbers one and two, along with any toilet paper that accompanies them, are the only things that should be flushed down the toilet.

The Basics of Water

Even as a youngster, your child should be taught the basics of water. These should include the differences between hot and cold water, as well as why it’s important to not leave the water running in a sink or tub. If you forget these important areas, you will soon be in need of plumbing services related to water damage or other issues. Although seeing a plumber come and fix the issue could be a fun lesson for your child, it’s best to avoid these potentially costly mistakes.

Shut-Off Valves

When your child gets to be about 10 years old, it’s a good idea to show them where the water shut-off valves are and how to turn off the water in an emergency. Should your child be home alone at some point, this knowledge can be very handy. Make sure to detail what constitutes a plumbing emergency before showing them how to do this.

Plunger Etiquette

Even if you and other family members are very careful about what gets flushed down the toilet, clogs can still happen now and then. Because of this, you can teach your child how to properly use a plunger. While doing so, explain how toilets can overflow, and why it’s crucial to not continue to keep flushing a toilet that is clogged. Additionally, make sure to tell your child that the plunger is dirty and that they should only be touching the handle. Wash your hands after using it to promote cleanliness.

Garbage Disposal

If you have a garbage disposal in your kitchen, teach your child what can and cannot be put down the disposal. If you don’t and they decide to put eggshells, banana peels, and hard stuff like bones or fruit pits down the drain, you’ll be shelling out money for expensive repairs.

It’s also important that this is introduced at the appropriate age. Garbage disposals can be extremely dangerous for young toddlers who might decide to stick their hand inside. Whenever you do plan to train your child on how to use this, make sure they understand the safety precautions that need to be taken.

By teaching your child these five basics about plumbing, you can have peace of mind and more money in your pocket from not having to pay for an unexpected plumbing emergency caused by your curious kid. It is important to share with them that sometimes plumbing maintenance is necessary and needed to be done by professionals. However, it’s important to show them what can be done first to fix what you can and avoid mistakes.