8 Things Runners Need to Invest in Before a Marathon

If you’re planning to run a marathon, specific products and gear are essential to your success. You don’t want to discover that you’ve spent months training for a marathon with mediocre shoes or go into the race thinking you’re covered when you forgot something important. It’s better to find out everything you need to know now before you spend months training for your big race day.

8 Essentials Runners Will Need to Invest Before a Marathon

  1. Running Shoes

If you’ve ever run in worn-out sneakers, you know how much impact they can have on your knees, ankles, and hips. Running shoes are designed specifically for long-distance running, so they’re made with extra cushioning and support to reduce injury risk. They should also fit snugly, so your foot doesn’t move around inside the shoe as you run. If you wear ill-fitting shoes without sport insoles your feet can become sore from rubbing against one another inside the shoe.

  1. Spiky Massage Ball

Massage balls are a great way to relieve sore muscles before, during, and after a run. Use them on your calves, hamstrings, quads, and the back of your neck and shoulders. You can also use them in foam rollers if you’re short on time.

  1. Compression Socks

Compression socks are great for preventing shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and achy knees. They also help improve circulation by reducing swelling and aiding in removing lactic acid build-up.

Compression socks can be worn during a run or after a run. They are instrumental if you have recently injured yourself, as they provide extra support and protection.

  1. Foam Roller

A foam roller can be an alternative to traditional stretching and massage. It’s a great way to release muscle tension and increase flexibility. Foam rollers come in different sizes and thicknesses, so choosing one that best suits your needs is essential.

  1. Water Bottle

A water bottle is a must-have for any runner. It’s essential to stay hydrated while exercising, especially in hot weather. Drinking plenty of water will help keep you cool and prevent dehydration.

  1. Running Belt

If you’re carrying anything while running, having a comfortable belt that fits all of your items is essential. Not only will it keep everything secure while running, but it can also help prevent chafing from clothing rubbing against the skin during exercise.

  1. Running Watch

You need to know precisely how fast and far you’ve gone as a runner. A GPS watch is a great way to keep track of your pace and distance while running.

  1. Sunscreen

It’s easy to forget about sunscreen when you’re getting ready to run outside, but it’s important to remember that sun exposure can cause skin cancer and other health problems over time. Make sure you apply sunscreen before heading out on your next run.

What Do You Do Before a Marathon?

  • Research the weather and dress accordingly.
  • Find the start of the marathon and study all the landmarks.
  • Have a plan for where to meet your family or friends after the race.
  • Study your running pace and time.
  • Please have a good idea of when you must leave for the marathon before it starts.
  • Put safety first, but review apparel options with style in mind too.
  • Get a good night’s sleep before the race.

What Should You Not Do Before a Marathon?

Marathon training is a time of outstanding personal achievements and triumphs. But as with any other marathon, there are some things you should avoid doing before the big day.

Here are common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Don’t increase your mileage too much too quickly. Marathoners often make the mistake of increasing their mileage by too much, too fast. This will wear you down and leave you more susceptible to injury and illness. Instead, gradually increase your weekly mileage by no more than 10 percent per week or 5 miles if you start from zero. If you do this, you’ll avoid overtraining without sacrificing your fitness gains or risking injury.
  2. Don’t change your diet too much, especially if you’re trying to lose weight before the race. While it may seem like a good idea to cut back on calories before a race to drop some pounds, cutting out entire food groups can lead to low energy levels, poor performance, and even illness during training, not exactly what you want before your big day. Instead, add more fruits and vegetables to your diet for extra nutrients that will fuel your body through training and help keep your immune system strong, so you’re less susceptible to illness during training.


You’ll have to invest in many things if you’re training for a marathon. You can’t go wrong with the right shoes, nutrition, and rest in between runs.