What are the top java developer skills?


Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world of the IT industry. Java developers are in the steady race to upgrade their skills. A java developer is computer software that integrates Java programming language into the development of computer applications, web development, and other things requirement needed at both client and server sides. A Java developer is in charge of designing, developing, and maintaining Java-based programs.

Let us take a glimpse at the Java developer skills which help them skyrocket their career:

1- Basic Java skills: java developers build different software, i.e. from desktop and web applications to cloud systems and mobile apps. Java capabilities stretch to big data apps with Python. For becoming a successful Java developer, consider the Java technologies list:

  • Object-oriented programing principle as Java is an OOP language.
  • Relational database i.e. MySQL, PostgreSQL. Writing MySQL queries come in handy.
  • Popular version control systems such as Git and BitBucket.

2- additional language or technology: different frameworks and languages solve different programming tasks, DevSkiller is a developer screening platform that reveals additional technologies. In addition to the language, developers work in a specific environment. The most popular Java skills include Selenium, Android, Spring or Spring Boot, etc.

3- Spring Framework 5: The spring framework is used for building Java applications. This framework is similar to a library with a small exception. Using this library, one can simply create an object of classes, call the method and achieve an accurate result. Spring deviates from tight connectivity and uses annotations for this reason. This is based on the model view controller framework, which separates operation, business, and representation layers.

4- Android+Kotlin: Many Java developers start developing mobile apps by eliminating the web development phase. Knowledge of Kotlin to develop android applications helps in standing out from the competition. Android platform is moving to Kotlin, which is a modified Java language.

5- Unit testing: as the application grows, this become important to maintain the same and write automated tests, which include unit and integration tests that require launching applications. In Java, the deployment and assembly of applications are not fast. The framework speeds up the writing of automated tests and offers an easy syntax, and provides one with immediate feedback on passed tests. Tools with Junit promote the idea of testing the first approach, which increases the productivity and stability of the codebase.

6- Principle of SOLID: object-oriented programing has brought a different approach to application design.

  • S: Single responsibility principle is responsible for solving several problems and their subsystems.
  • O: open-closed principle: entities such as classes, modules, and functions are used for extension.
  • L: Liskov Substitution principle: subclasses must be able to replace superclasses.
  • I: Interface segregation principle: create an interface designed for a specific client.
  • D: dependency inversion principle: this should be an abstraction, not something specific.


A full-stack web developer must also have the skills of a Java course. If you wish to join a team of Java experts to boost your skills, it is important to check your expertise. This helps in building quality working processes and also helps one in developing technical skills.