Skin itching – Skin is the largest organ of the human body

Skin itching

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It covers all external surfaces, including the surface of bones, and is made up of layers – the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer that’s made up of cells with a thickened surface called keratinocytes. The dermis is the innermost layer that’s made up of connective tissue with loose surface called collagen fibers.

The skin has many functions such as regulating temperature, protecting against infections and wounds, producing vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, regulating fluid levels in the body by sweating or perspiring and. it also protect the human body from external factors like chemicals, bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances.

What is skin itching?

Skin itches are often described as occurring all over the body but they are actually localized to one area of the body. The most common areas for skin itching are the arms, legs, face and scalp but it can occur anywhere on the body. Skin itches may last for seconds or minutes and they may recur throughout the day until they’re relieved.

Skin itching is a common condition that can cause discomfort and pain. It can be caused by contact with something that irritates the skin, such as a chemical, an insect bite, or an allergic reaction. It can also be caused by certain medical conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema.


Skin itching is a common causes is eczema which can be itchy, painful, or burning. It can also feel like crawling, stinging, or prickly sensations. Skin itching may be caused by dry skin or a reaction to something in the environment such as detergent residue on clothing.

Skin itching is the most common causes that occurs when there’s an underlying condition like eczema, psoriasis, or contact dermatitis. A skin reaction is usually caused by something coming in contact with the skin, like a chemical or allergen.

The most common causes of itching on the hands and feet are:

– Dermatitis: A long-term inflammatory skin condition characterized by redness, bumps, and scales on the skin.

– Psoriasis: An autoimmune disease that causes patches of inflamed red skin on different parts of your body.

– Eczema: Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes the skin to be itchy, red, dry and inflamed.


Skin itching is a common symptom that can be caused by a number of things, including allergies, dry skin. The symptoms of skin itching are not always easy to detect. Sometimes, the itchiness is so intense that it might be difficult for the person to even sleep. Skin itching can also cause a lot of stress and anxiety in some people.

Symptoms of skin itching include:

– A red itchy rash on the skin that may be itchy, burning or tingling

– Skin inflammation with blisters

– The sensation of an insect crawling under the skin

– Sudden onset of itchiness without any known cause

Home Remedies for skin itching

Skin itching is a common problem faced by people of all ages. It can be caused by different factors such as dry skin, allergies, and fungal infections. Skin itching can be a frustrating and irritating experience. It can make you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed in public. But, there are some home remedies that will help alleviate the symptoms of skin itching.

Here are some home remedies that helps to get instant relief in skin itching:-

Aloe –Vera

Aloe vera is a plant with many healing properties that are used for skin itching.Aloe vera has been used as a home remedy for skin itching due to its soothing and cooling effect.

Aloe vera is a common ingredient in many topical creams, lotions, and gels. It is also found in many beauty products like shampoos, conditioners, and soaps. It can help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation caused by dermatitis or eczema.

Applying aloe vera gel directly on the affected area or you can also apply aloe vera gel on a cotton ball and placing it over the affected area.


If you are suffering from skin itching, you can use mint to relieve the itchiness. Mint is a popular home remedy for skin itching because it has a cooling effect and can be used in many ways. By using mint on your skin include its ability to soothe irritated skin and relieve pain caused by rashes or insect bites. Mint also has antibacterial properties that help in treating acne and pimples.

It can be used by applying it to the affected area or leave it for 10 mint or by drinking mint tea. Mint also helps with digestion problems and other minor issues.


Babool is also known as Indian Mallow. It has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that can help relieve the symptoms of skin irritation. Babool can be taken in different ways like infusions, decoctions, powders, ghee, oils etc.

Babool leaves are rich in tannins and saponins, which have antibacterial properties that prevent infection of wounds caused by scratching or biting. It also contains anthocyanidin, which has antioxidant properties and prevents free radicals from damaging the body cells. Babool also helps to improves men’s wellness.

Boil 5-6 pieces of babbool in 1 liter of water until it becomes soft and mushy. Strain the water and add it to the eczema affected area with a cotton ball or cloth.


Tulsi is a popular herb in India that has been used for millennia to relieve skin itching and improve blood circulation. It is also known as the holy basil, or the Queen of all herbs. The benefits of Tulsi are numerous and include the treatment of skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, acne, hives, and itching.

Tulsi leaves are also an excellent remedy for treating insect bites, sunburns. Tulsi helps in relieving allergies, inflammation and pain caused by rheumatism among others. Make a paste of tulsi leaves and applied on the affected area after 10 minute wash it with water.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in vitamins and minerals that help maintain healthy skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for sensitive skin. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides that are easily digested by the body. Coconut oil can help improve acne lesions by reducing inflammation and redness. It can reduce irritation caused by razor burn.

Coconut oil can be used on the skin in many ways such as applying it to the affected area, or using it as a moisturizer. You can also use it to treat acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions.


Honey is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. It also has antibacterial properties which can help in fighting bacterial infection and reducing inflammation. Honey is a popular choice of treatment for skin itching, especially in the case of dry skin.

Honey also has moisturizing benefits that help in maintaining the natural moisture balance of the skin and preventing dryness. Finally, honey has anti-aging benefits that help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on your face.


Lemon juice is a natural remedy and it contains citric acid which helps in killing bacteria that cause acne, eczema and other skin problems. It also contains vitamin C which helps in reducing inflammation and enhances the healing process of the skin.

Lemon has a lot of benefits for your skin. It can help to get rid of skin rashes and itchy spots. It also helps in reducing acne and other blemishes. Lemon juice can help you get rid of acne, scars or blemishes and it also helps in reducing pimples, blackheads and whiteheads

The best way to use lemon juice is to apply it on your face with a cotton ball or directly onto your neck, chest, back or arms. However, it’s best not to use this remedy every day as it can irritate the skin too much if you do so often.

Author Bio

I am Dr.Rajender Singh. I have done DMLT in 2003 , then D.Pharmacy and after that I have done a Master Diploma in Panchagavya . Now I am an ayurvedic doctor and also owned a company name Jeevan Herbal at Panchkula (Haryana).I have 18 Years of experience in Ayurveda.I believe that the most basic of Ayurvedic habits can change our whole lives.