10 Effective Natural Remedies to Deal With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

What is posttraumatic stress disorder and how to treat it?

A traumatic experience may cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition. It results in unpleasant, nervous feelings. Some PTSD sufferers repeatedly replay the incident. Others steer clear of any reminders of it. PTSD affects relationships, employment, and daily life. However, even years later, medicines and counseling can be helpful.

The incident could be harmful, potentially fatal, startling, or even frightful. Some instances are:

  • Accident
  • Military conflict
  • Fire
  • Natural catastrophe, such as a tornado
  • Violent abuse
  • Rape or sexual assault
  • An unexpected loss of a loved one
  • Attack by terrorists

You might have personally experienced the terrible occurrence, or you might have witnessed it happen to someone else. After an event like that, it’s common to feel angry. For a period, you might struggle to get enough rest, eat, or engage in activities you find enjoyable. However, PTSD symptoms interfere with your life and last for more than a few months.

How to treat it?

Treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder might assist you in regaining control over your life. Although medicines may also be used, psychotherapy is the main form of treatment. Combining these therapies can help your symptoms go better by:

  • Giving you the knowledge to deal with your symptoms
  • Learning how to deal in case any symptoms recur will help you have a more positive outlook on yourself, others, and the world.
  • Treating additional issues that are frequently connected to traumatic events, such as depression, anxiety, or drug or alcohol abuse.

You don’t have to make an effort to manage the effects of PTSD by yourself.


Various forms of psychotherapy, commonly known as talk therapy, can be used to treat PTSD in both adults and children. One example of a psychotherapy modality used to treat PTSD is:

Cognitive therapy

This kind of talk therapy assists you in identifying the cognitive patterns (ways of thinking) that are holding you immobilized, such as unfavorable self-perceptions and the possibility of traumatic events reoccurring. Cognitive therapy is frequently used with exposure therapy for PTSD.

Exposure treatment

This behavioral therapy supports you in securely confronting memories and events that make you feel uncomfortable so you can develop appropriate coping mechanisms. Flashbacks and nightmares may respond particularly well to exposure therapy. One method involves using virtual reality applications that let you return to the scene of your trauma.

Desensitization and reprocessing of eye movement (EMDR)

You can process painful memories and alter how you respond to them with the use of EMDR, which combines exposure therapy and a series of guided eye movements.

Your therapist can assist you in learning stress management techniques so that you can deal with stress in your life more effectively.


Several different kinds of drugs can aid in reducing PTSD symptoms:


These drugs can help with anxiety and depression symptoms. They can also aid in enhancing attention and sleep issues. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted SSRI approval for the treatment of PTSD for the drugs paroxetine (Paxil) and sertraline (Zoloft).

Medicine to treat anxiety

These medications can treat severe anxiety and its related issues. Since some anti-anxiety drugs have the potential for abuse, they are often only taken temporarily.


A more recent study found no advantage over placebo, despite multiple studies suggesting that prazosin (Minipress) may lessen or suppress nightmares in some PTSD sufferers. But the new study’s participants were unique in ways that might have affected the outcomes. If someone is thinking about using prazosin, they should consult a medical professional to see if their specific circumstances would justify trying the medication.

Together, you and your doctor may choose the drug that will treat your symptoms and situation the best and have the fewest adverse effects. Within a few weeks, your mood and other symptoms may start to improve.

The sign and symptoms of ptsd

The signs of PTSD differ from individual to person. However, all PTSD sufferers encounter one or more of the following:

Ignoring acts

You might stay away from those who or things that bring up the incident. Examples include acquaintances you made while serving in the military, the neighborhood where the tragedy occurred, or crowds in general. Some PTSD sufferers try to keep themselves occupied in order to avoid thinking about the incident.

Being tense

You may find it difficult to unwind or enjoy the things you formerly did due to the disease. You can have jitters or worry. You can be quickly shocked or prone to assuming the worst. You can also have a hard time focusing or falling asleep.

Getting negative feelings and thoughts

PTSD can leave you feeling down, hostile, enraged, unhappy, untrusting, guilty, or numb.

Reliving or going through the traumatic incident again

Flashbacks or dreams may appear as a result. Perhaps an unpleasant memory will suddenly spring to mind when you hear a car backfire or see something comparable (like a fire).

10 Effective Natural Remedies to Deal With ptsd

In general, it is safe to combine natural treatments with more traditional medical treatments. Below are some natural remedies:

  1. Relaxing activities
  2. Exercises
  3. writing
  4. Herbal supplements
  5. Deep Inhalation
  6. Self-Monitoring
  7. Social Support
  8. Abandonment
  9. Herbal teas
  10. Cannabidiol oil


Long after a traumatic experience, PTSD is a mental health condition that persists. It could give you a bad and uneasy feeling. It could also make you want to avoid particular situations or relive the incident. Speak with a healthcare professional if you have PTSD symptoms. Medication and particular types of counselling may be beneficial. Seek assistance right away if you think you might damage yourself or someone else.