How Your Diet Can Negatively Affect Your Dental Health

Taking care of your teeth goes beyond brushing and flossing each day. While these are important ways to maintain your dental health, choosing what you ingest is also important. Food, drinks, and even medications can majorly impact your overall oral health.

Sugar Weakens

Sugar isn’t great for anyone’s overall health. That’s why eating it in small portions infrequently is best. Sugar hidden in foods or drinks is especially bad for your mouth because of its ability to damage the enamel on your teeth. Damaged enamel will lead to holes in your teeth, and this is where cavities grow.

Cavities have to be filled at the dentist’s office. Though this is a fairly standard procedure, you may be able to avoid it by lessening the amount of sugar you consume. Keeping the enamel on your teeth strong can protect your teeth from the holes that form cavities. If you do need help with cavities, you can find a great dentist in Memphis, TN.

Drinks Can be Detrimental

What you eat isn’t the only factor when it comes to your oral health. What you drink also makes a huge difference in how healthy your mouth is. Water is the best choice for your mouth since it does not contain sugar and can help rinse leftover food out of your mouth. However, there are other drink options if you want healthy teeth, and there are plenty to avoid.

Soft drinks have long been known to cause damage to the teeth because of their high sugar content. The carbonation in these drinks can also make wear and tear on your teeth worse. While juice may seem like a healthy option, juices were found to increase the risk of dental issues in children due to sugar.

Milk is a good option for healthy teeth due to the calcium. However, not everyone can tolerate dairy. Luckily, almond milk contains calcium and can still help you build strong teeth. Though it contains less calcium than dairy milk, it’s still a good option for your teeth.

Vitamins Can Cause Problems

Taking vitamins is a great way to get nutrients in your diet that you may be missing in your food. However, you have to be careful what kind of vitamins you choose to ensure you don’t compromise your dental health.

While gummy vitamins are popular with kids because they taste good, they can stick to teeth and cause problems. It’s also important to take vitamins that don’t contain a load of excess sugar. If you can swallow vitamin capsules, you can save yourself the trouble that can come from having them stuck between your teeth.

Medication Affects Saliva

Though not a food group, most of us need to take medication at some point in our lives, and some of us have to take it regularly. It’s important to understand that the medicine you take can affect your dental health.

Antihistamines reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth, and this can actually cause an increase in cavities. Without saliva to keep your teeth free from leftover food, your dry mouth will create the perfect space for bacteria to grow. This can weaken your enamel and lead to cavities.

Cough syrups are generally full of sugar, and this can lead to tooth decay. Antacids can cause acid in your mouth that helps bacteria you don’t want around to thrive. Though you can’t always avoid medication, be aware that anything you put in your mouth can have an impact on your teeth.

Snacking Issues

Snacking is a common practice, and most people keep food on hand so they can eat while out and in between meals. The problem is snacking can lead to dental issues if not handled correctly.

First of all, choose snacks that don’t have a ton of sugar. Snacking on foods that aren’t good for your teeth means more opportunities for dental damage. It’s also wise to brush and floss after every snack so food and bacteria don’t hang around to cause problems. It’s rare for someone to carry around a toothbrush and floss, but that’s what you should do if you choose to snack. If you can’t, cutting out snacks might be better for your physical and oral health.

What you eat impacts your entire body, including your mouth. Consider the effect your food will have on your whole health before you consume it.