7 Reasons Fintech Enterprises Need Business Intelligence


Finance technology is one of the most challenging industries to break into and build a successful business. Fintech enterprises need one ear to the ground, searching for the newest business intelligence to make the most out of their business. Business cycles impact every industry, but industries revolving around finance especially depend on the ebb and flow of the economy. 

Before we dive into why fintech benefits from business intelligence software, let’s briefly define the software.

What is Business Intelligence Software?

Business intelligence software combines numerous data collection points to simplify and centralize data analytics. You can make the most informed business decisions with business intelligence software guiding the way through data collection and visualization. Business Intelligence is a hub for your data in various formats, including videos, documents, and images.

Companies can use insights from their business intelligence software to present their data to clients and investors. So, now we understand what business intelligence software is, let’s dive into how it can help your fintech enterprise thrive.

How Does Business Intelligence Help Fintech?

There are many ways to use business intelligence to your advantage when operating a fintech company. Today, we’re looking at seven reasons your fintech business needs business intelligence to grow.

  • Better Decision Making

Most businesses prefer to be careful with their money. This goes doubly for fintech businesses. Investors and clients are extra wary of moving their money and rarely want to take financial risks. If you use business intelligence software, you can gather your data efficiently and use it to present a compelling pitch to your investors. 

You can also benefit internally by making data-driven decisions about the future of your fintech enterprise using business intelligence. Storing and analyzing data in a single location makes it easier to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your current strategy.

  • Increased Security

The data fintech companies handle is often highly sensitive, and security is crucial. Fraud and hacking are rampant in financial industries, and fintechs need business intelligence to identify how they can provide the most secure service to their customers. You can use behavioral analytics business tools to uncover predictable behavior patterns for hackers and take preventative measures in their programming.

Fintech businesses using business intelligence software can improve their automated systems to be better at flagging fraudulent behavior. Improving your business’ security is an excellent way to reassure your investors and customers that you value their time and money.

  • Identifying Market Trends

Investing is all about accurately predicting the market to make the best financial decisions. The data analysis involved with business intelligence software makes it easier for fintechs to make the best financial and business strategy decisions. Using business intelligence tools reduces the risk involved with investing by helping you assess the market with greater accuracy.

Using automated business intelligence software eliminates human error in data entry and processing. This makes it easier to predict market trends more accurately and can also identify patterns and produce insights from the data. 

  • Improved User Experience

Traditional financial industries have had to catch up to modern fintechs regarding what they can offer in their user experience. You can use business intelligence tools to ensure your customers have an optimal experience. Fintech companies can use business intelligence software to develop apps and services that are easy for customers to navigate.

User-friendly services achieve more significant growth than those that are complex for clients to learn. It’s easy to incorporate features your customers value when you analyze data gathered by business intelligence software.

  • Profits Gained

In the same way that business intelligence tools can make it easier to identify market trends, they can also help you increase your profits. You can use the patterns that business intelligence software highlights to adjust your tactics to boost your reach and gain more clients in the future. 

The optimization you gain from utilizing this software properly also lets you increase the profitability of your current clientele. You can use business intelligence to reduce unnecessary costs and maximize your existing resources to create a streamlined business that thrives in the fintech field.

  • Increased Efficiency

The profit increase you get from using business intelligence tools also plays into your increased efficiency. These tools can eliminate some time-consuming tasks, giving you more time to focus on aspects of the business that benefit most from the human touch, like content writing and building client relationships. Data collection and analysis drain time your finance workers could put towards strategizing new revenue streams.

You can also analyze your internal efficiency and assess where your staff can trim the fat in their daily operations. It’s easy to identify which tools and processes are saving you time and money and where you’re overspending on resources within the business. Improving your efficiency as a team is significantly simpler with business intelligence on your side.

  • Staying at the Cutting Edge

In the highly competitive world of financial enterprises, it’s crucial to be on the cutting edge. Utilizing business intelligence tools is the best way to predict what’s coming and make a plan informed by the latest data analysis. Modern consumers have a greater understanding of how tools can improve business, and their standards are high for fintech industries.

Between the increased efficiency of using business intelligence tools and their use for market analysis, they’re basically essential for ensuring your fintech enterprise is always on the cusp of what’s next. Business often works in cycles connected to the economy, and no company operates like that more than fintech. Predicting the future of the economy is no mean feat, and any innovative business will use every tool at its disposal to stay on top of the competition.

Fintech enterprises can be risky businesses. Whenever you can make life easier for you and your customers, it’s crucial that you make the right choices. Business intelligence is the future of fintech, and it’s clear why it’s such an invaluable tool for financial companies everywhere. 

Author’s bio: Bethany Massey is a freelance copywriter working with The Author’s Pad to help copywriters grow at any stage of their career. When she isn’t writing, Bethany is usually cooking, drawing, or walking in the woods with her dog.