7 Reason For Android App Development Is Important For Your Business Growth

7 Reason For Android App Development Is Important For Your Business Growth

When it comes to smartphones, Android is the winner easily in terms of sheer popularity. Two major mobile platforms are present in the mobile market, i.e., iOS and Android. The iOS systems hold the second position in the market. Currently, the market share for androids is 85%, and the rest, 15%, uses iOS-based systems. The reason for android app development is important for your business growth. It is common knowledge that Android has an 85% market share in smartphones. This means that there is a high chance of your customers using this device. If you are looking to expand your business, consider hiring android app development company as one of your options.

The android OS gets regular updates from the parent company Google, and the newer versions are launched with more features and security patches to enhance the security of the phones. Businesses around the world develop their apps according to changes. Due to the bigger market share of Android OS, the apps that cater on this platform are equally popular, with Google Playstore containing 3.3 million mobile apps. You can try this website to hire best android app developers to expand your business. Some compelling reasons to do so are:

1. The investments are less

The investment cost in terms of entering the Android App market is competitively significantly less. There is free software available in the market for android app development. Development tools like IDE Android Development studio and free software for Android app developers help lower the development and other costs. The android app reduces the cost in three aspects, application development cost, testing cost, and hardware cost.

●   Application Development cost

The development cost is less because of the free tools available in the market. The learning process is also more straightforward, making more professional developers present in the market and can be hired at cheaper wages.

●   Testing Cost

The testing of apps can be done in several ways, using emulators, launching beta versions, automation tester tools, and more. The cost for testing the app is less when compared to iOS systems due to the sheer testing population size and free tools available.

●      Hardware cost

The hardware to test the apps is readily available in the market, as the apps run on a different device from various manufactures with varied hardware configurations. This reduces the cost of dedicated hardware development for testing and deploying the application.

2.  It is an Open source platform

The parent company of Android that is Google declares the OS system as open source. This is why there is a vast community for android app development. The developers interact among themselves and provide information related to the latest updates and new versions. This, in return, helps in solving app development-related issues. There is no licensing fee or royalty fee for using android in the devices produced by manufacturers and app developers. This is the reason many manufacturers prefer android for faster development and a chance to earn more.

3.  Ease of integration and customization

The entire android platform is developed in such a manner that it is ready for customization. If you want complexity in the technical aspect of the app, whether it is a web app or a mobile app, the android platform should be your preferred choice. Try this website to hire best android app developers who will integrate the required features and customize the mobile apps according to the requirement of your business. The OS platform-based app even allows the integration of mobile apps with pre-existing apps and software.

4. Better security for Android

Earlier it was assumed that the iOS system is better than android in terms of security. But, in current times, Google has rolled out many security updates, which make the Android platform equally secure as that of Apple’s iOS. The data security in android is up to such a level that malware or viruses cannot corrupt the data present in the Android app’s databases. The feature of periodic notifications alerts the user time-to-time; these are automated systems updated all the time.

5.  Less TTM (Time To Market)

The faster you enter the market with a new idea that has not been done before, the better competitive edge is provided to you over your competition. The tools used for Android App development facilitate the company with fast development and ease of integration for the desired features. A developer from the best development company can help you get the app ready quickly, which provides the benefit of reducing time to market. The modification in the already available apps is also done on a quick and easy basis.

6. The OS is JAVA Based

The development of the Android app is based on JAVA which is a programming language. Many pre-existing libraries help the developers in the development process. So, if a person is highly trained and skilled in JAVA, he or she will be able to create an android app easily. Developers are shifting from JAVA to Android development because of its popularity.

7.  Better range of innovation

The global presence of the Android platform is vast, which provides the scope for innovating new things that will cater to the public interest. If you want to target an audience with innovative features, the android platform should be your first choice. Technological advancement like AR or VR integration offers a broad scope of innovation.


These are only a few benefits of android app development for businesses. If you are planning for mobile app development, the Android app should be your first choice, as it is easy to learn, integrate, cheaper, open-source, and much more.  You can try this website to hire best android app developers from around the world to build your desired app and increase the ROI of your business.

Author Bio:

Sunny Chawla is a Managing Director at Alliance Recruitment Agency. He specializes in helping client for international recruiting, staffing, HR services and Careers advice service for overseas and international businesses.