Why is My Throat Hurting?

Throat Hurting

The pain in the throat is a widespread issue affecting almost every individual on this planet. Even the newborn could also experience such an issue. In most cases, the pain in the throat is nothing to be alarmed about. It doesn’t last for a long time and starts disappearing within a week. Various reasons may cause throat pain, due to which your throat may hurt.

In most cases, sore throat is the primary reason for throat pain. You may also wonder why my throat is hurting, is it a sore throat, and how to cure it. Continue reading to learn details about a sore throat.

Sore Throat

When you have a sore throat, your throat is in pain. It stings or irritates the inside of your throat in some way. You may have a dull or sharp piercing pain. When you swallow, a painful throat might get worse. Ear and sinus infections can result from a sore throat. In addition, you may develop an abscess (collection of pus) around your tonsils.

Most sore throats occur due to diseases or environmental factors like dry air. A sore throat might be annoying; it’ll typically go away.

Types of Sore Throat

There are different types of sore throat based on the region of the throat they affect:

  • Pharyngitis: It affects the region directly behind the mouth.
  • Laryngitis: The larynx or voice box becomes swollen and red.
  • Tonsillitis: In the back of the mouth, a soft tissue called the tonsils becomes swollen and red.


Inflammation, swelling, or scratchiness are common if you’ve got a sore throat. Pain rises during swallowing. Symptoms of a sore throat include any or all of the following, depending on the underlying cause:

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Hoarse voice
  • White spots in the tonsil and throat
  • Tonsils are swollen and red
  • Glands in your neck are swollen
  • A rash on the skin

Additional signs and symptoms may include the following in some cases:

  • Pain in the abdomen (usually in children)
  • Dizzy and nausea (usually in children)
  • Pain in a joint or a muscle


  • A cold or flu is the most prevalent cause of a sore throat. It might be one of several adverse effects. Symptoms of a cold take longer to appear, while the flu is more likely to attack promptly.
  • Having a runny nose, a cough, or a hoarse voice is a sign that you have a cold.
  • On the other hand, the flu targets your nose, throat, and lungs and is more dangerous than the typical cold. More severe symptoms, such as fever, body pains, and headaches, may also occur.

Sore throats can be due to a variety of factors, including:


Smoking or chemicals within the home might create a sore throat. Bad air pollution might also aggravate it.

Overuse of Throat

Yelling or speaking for an extended period can strain throat muscles.


You might react to items such as pet dander (tiny bits of skin shed by animals), mold, dust, and pollen.

Strep Throat

The discomfort of this condition might be so acute that it may ache a lot when you swallow. You may also observe a white or yellow coating or patches on the tonsils, which are those two clusters of tissue at the back of the throat.

You should see your doctor if you suspect you have strep throat. They can swab your throat and do a test to find out whether you have it. The doctor may give you antibiotics to treat it.


Inflamed tonsils can also make your throat pain, and you can have a hard time swallowing.


A virus can be the reason for mononucleosis, spreading through saliva. That’s why it’s commonly termed “the kissing disease.” Other symptoms include:

  • Weariness
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Swelling in your tonsils, neck, or armpits.


Antibiotics may be prescribed if a bacterial infection is the cause of a sore throat. Even if someone feels better before the course completion, they should always finish the course.

There is no need to seek medical attention for a sore throat caused by a viral illness in most cases.

Children’s versions of acetaminophen and other mild pain medicines can be used to treat symptoms of pain and fever in kids. Best ENT specialists can help you choose the proper medication and dose.

It is critical to follow the doctor’s recommendations and not exceed the recommended dosage when taking medicine.

Preventive Measures

There is no quick way to treat a sore throat, but there are things you may do to alleviate the discomfort.


To avoid feeling fatigued, make sure you receive plenty of sleep. Your body’s ability to fight against an illness depends on good sleep. Take a break from speaking as well. Take a break if you’ve been talking for a long time and your throat has inflamed.

Drink more Fluids

Drink plenty of fluids to keep your throat from drying out. To increase saliva production, try drinking extra water or eating hard candy. A lozenge, a little form of a tablet that relieves sore throats, may also be an option.


A humidifier can help you breathe easier by increasing the relative humidity in the rooms where you spend most of your time. This keeps the air from drying out.

Avoid Smoke and Allergens

Stay away from cigarette smoke and allergies to ensure a healthy environment.

If nothing is working on getting rid of throat pain, you should consult an ENT Specialist. There could be some severe reason causing persistent throat pain. Make an appointment with the best doctor through Marham.


1. Is a sore throat a symptom of COVID?

A painful throat is a common early sign of COVID-19, and it typically improves within a week. The start of infection is the worst, but it gradually improves over the following weeks.

2. What’s causing pain in the throat?

A viral illness, such as a cold or the flu, or a sore throat, is the most common cause of a painful throat.

3. What is the duration of a sore throat?

In most instances, a sore throat is caused by a common virus and will go away in about three to ten days. An allergic reaction or bacterial infection might cause the sore throat to remain longer.