5 Ways Your Environment Impacts Your Recovery


The concept of environmental impact is one that the vast majority of people are familiar with on a basic level. Because a person’s personality, views, and habits are all influenced by a variety of factors that are present in their environment, it only makes logical that surroundings also determine a person’s connection to substances like alcohol and drugs. According to the findings of research, the development of an addiction is approximately equally influenced by genetics and the environment. What part does your surroundings play in the process of becoming better? A person’s capacity to effectively maintain their sobriety may be helped or hindered by the people, dynamics, and physical surroundings in their immediate environment. The following are the five most important environmental aspects that should be taken into consideration while in rehab centers in california.

One of the most common environmental causes of addiction is childhood trauma. The term “adverse childhood experiences” is used by mental health professionals to describe traumatic events such as abuse, neglect, and dysfunction in the home (ACEs). Over time, these events have a significant influence on a child’s brain development. A child’s ability to deal with interruptions and unpleasant emotions is disrupted by ACEs. A lack of emotional development in children may lead to the development of a range of undesirable coping methods, such as drug and alcohol addiction. More than one study has shown that the effects of ACEs and addiction are widespread.

  • Stress may be exacerbated by family dynamics

For many people, familial ties are a major source of stress. Family relationships may suffer when a loved one struggles with an alcohol or drug abuse problem. As the person’s addiction grows, they will typically break links with friends and family to enable them to continue using drugs and alcohol. Addicts may engage in dangerous behaviours such as starting fights or stealing as a kind of self-medication. Recovering from an addiction may lead to a strained relationship between the sufferer and their family members. Attending a family gathering, for example, may entail answering a barrage of inquiries about treatment and recovery, which may rapidly become a source of anxiety. Sobriety might be more difficult to sustain if you spend time in a judgemental setting.

  • Social Environments May Facilitate Relapse

However, the fact that humans are naturally sociable organisms also makes our species one of the most significant environmental contributors to addiction. The vast majority of individuals do not approach a complete stranger and inquire about using a drug for the very first time. In the vast majority of instances, the individual’s social context is what makes the individual’s initial experiment with drug misuse possible. When one is in the same environment as their friends who are drinking or doing drugs, engaging in such behaviours themselves become naturally more acceptable. This change in viewpoint might lead individuals to experiment with drugs when they normally wouldn’t do so in other social circumstances.

  • Work Environments Can Trigger Relapse Behaviors

It’s common knowledge that Americans suffer from stress brought on by their jobs. Eighty percent of employees report feeling stressed while on the job, and forty percent of workers believe their job is either “very” or “very” stressful, as reported by the American Institute of Stress. Because of this, not everyone is equipped to deal with it; in fact, over half of employees say they need assistance in learning how to better manage their stress. Because stress is often one of the most potent triggers a person may have, working in an atmosphere that is not conducive to sobriety can make it more difficult to maintain sobriety.

  • Recovering in a Digital Environment Can Be Distracting

There are numerous advantages to using social media, but there are also many dangers to watch out for. One of the main problems with social media in the context of rehabilitation is that individuals tend to only share their best moments. Instagram and Snapchat, which are heavily reliant on images, are especially deceptive since its users meticulously choose virtually every shot they upload to reflect an unrealistic degree of pleasure and beauty. Self-esteem and feelings of humiliation may easily take hold when you spend too much time on social media and take it all at face value. When it comes to utilising social media to connect with sober people, share your triumphs, and organise group events, it’s a good use of your digital settings.