The Impact Damaged Teeth Have on Your Oral Health

top view of attractive young woman suffering from tooth pain while lying in bed

Your smile says a lot about the overall health of your mouth. Whether it’s from a physical injury or gradual deterioration, your teeth are bound to suffer damage at some point.

Many people put off taking care of their oral health when they first experience an issue. In some cases, you may be unaware that there is even a problem. Common symptoms that occur can be signs of an underlying oral health issue that can spread if left unchecked.

Seemingly minor conditions like tooth decay or a chipped tooth can impact the rest of your mouth and can lead to costly treatment. Here are some common problems that negatively affect the rest of your mouth.

Removing Harmful Teeth

If you’ve chipped one of your teeth, it typically has a sharp edge, making it easy for you to cut yourself. Your lips, cheeks, and tongue are in harm’s way whenever you chew or talk with a chipped tooth. Additionally, you compromise the structure of your chipped tooth the longer you go without treatment. Depending on how sharp the tooth is, consider tooth extraction surgery or a dental crown, especially if it’s one of your front teeth. Large chips can expose sensitive parts of your mouth, so it’s important to remove them when necessary. Speak with a dental professional to determine whether or not your tooth needs to be extracted.

Preparing for Your Dental Implant Procedure

Acquiring a dental implant is not merely about going to a dental surgeon and having the prosthetic implanted. There are specific instructions that you need to follow prior to the surgery to minimize the risk of infection and other complications drastically. Firstly, your dentist will instruct you to routinely rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash to minimize bacteria in your mouth before you get the surgery. Secondly, your dental surgeon will prescribe antibiotics that you should ingest in the days leading up to your surgery, which also works to mitigate the risk of infection. If your dental implant surgery entails intravenous sedation, you will be instructed to fast for a specific duration before the surgery.

Minimizing Nerve Damage

If you have a cavity in one of your teeth, the decay can eventually reach the nerve. Not only is this painful, but the same infection caused by plaque buildup can spread throughout the gums and affect the nerves of other teeth. People who experience nerve damage will notice a dull, aching pain in their mouths. In addition, if you have noticed that your teeth have become especially sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, you should speak with a professional right away.

Preventing Bad Breath

Has your breath worsened lately? Chances are, you have a cracked or chipped tooth. When you eat, food particles get trapped within the cracks and continue to decay over time. As they linger in your mouth, you develop halitosis, which makes your breath smell bad.

Until you can make it to a dentist, the best thing you can do is practice great oral hygiene. Neglect or even basic oral practices won’t be enough to keep your halitosis at bay. Rinse your mouth out with mouthwash regularly, and follow your dentist’s instructions to keep your breath fresh.

Your mouth is important for more reasons than a beautiful smile. As soon as you notice symptoms like random cuts, tooth sensitivity, and chronic bad breath, you should have a professional take a look at your mouth. This helps you fix any underlying issues before they affect other aspects of your oral health or lead to irreversible tooth damage.