The Differences Between FUE and FUT Hair Transplants _ Dr Harikiran

In this article, Dr Harikiran Chekuri, one of the best hair transplant surgeons in Hyderabad talks about “The Differences Between FUE and FUT Hair Transplants”.

Dr Harikiran Chekuri is well-recognized plastic and hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad. He has won more than 14 honours for his work. Because he adheres to an international standard of care, has a keen eye for detail, and achieves outcomes that are aesthetically acceptable, he is the most in-demand surgeon in Hyderabad for performing hair transplants. To this day, he has completed over 10,000 surgical procedures.

A hair transplant adds hair to a bald or thinning area of the head. Donor hair can be collected from dense parts of your head or body. Hair transplant candidates may feel self-conscious about thinning hair and desire to improve their look.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) are both acknowledged as viable hair transplant procedures (FUT). Individual hair follicles are extracted and replanted elsewhere on the scalp during a FUE operation. A FUT surgery, on the other hand, entails removing a large strip of the scalp, separating the follicles, and then transplanting the follicles. The scalp is used for both surgeries.

The patient and the goal that they are hoping to achieve, in addition to a variety of other considerations, are two of the primary determinants of both the benefits and drawbacks associated with any surgery says Dr Harikiran a leading Hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad.

How Effective are these Hair Transplants?

Hair transplants have a much greater success rate than non-surgical therapies like over-the-counter medicines for addressing hair loss. Within four months, patients should expect between 10% and 80% of their transplanted hair to fully come back; however, transplanted hair, like regular hair, will thin out with time. Within four months, patients can expect between 10% and 80% of their transplanted hair to fully regrow.

Even though hair transplants work well most of the time, there is no way to know for sure if a specific transplant will work. The outcome of the treatment depends a lot on the person who gets it. People with dormant hair follicles, widespread thinning and balding, hair loss caused by chemotherapy, and people with very thick scars on their scalp have much less success with hair transplants notes Hyderabad-based Dr Harikiran a top hair transplant specialist.

What is the Main Distinction Between FUE and FUT?

The fundamental difference between an FUE hair transplant and a FUT hair transplant is how the donor’s hair is extracted. A linear scar will occur from the removal of a strip of hair from the back of the head during a FUT hair transplant. The extraction and transplantation of individual follicular units during an FUE hair transplant, on the other hand, results in substantially less scarring overall; an FUE scar would appear as a little dot on the scalp. Many patients who have had a FUT hair transplant may wish for their hair to grow longer in order to hide their linear scars.

In general, a FUT hair transplant requires less time than an FUE hair transplant; however, the actual time necessary depends on the patient and the overall amount of hair being transplanted opines Dr Harikiran one of the best hair transplant surgeons in Hyderabad.

Which Method Of Hair Transplantation Would Be Most Suitable For Me?

Your decision between a FUT and FUE hair transplant will depend on a number of factors, which your surgeon will discuss with you. Individuals who need more hair transplants due to severe hair thinning are often better candidates for a FUT treatment. FUT grafts come from the scalp’s donor area.

FUE transplants may be beneficial for those who simply need a few grafts or who wish to return to their daily activities quickly after their transplant because the treatment is less intrusive. FUE transplants may be superior for those needing fewer grafts.

Your surgeon will evaluate the number of grafts required, the quality of the donor’s hair, as well as the quantity of donor’s hair that is available, during a consultation with you to determine which method of hair transplantation will best meet your requirements says Dr. Harikiran a leading hair transplant specialist in Hyderabad.