Know Your Body | 5 Simple Checks You Can Do to Measure Overall Health

Overall Health

We know that taking care of our physical and mental health is important, but often we struggle to figure out where to start. The good news is that you can start by checking in on a few key areas that can give you a good idea of your overall health status.

In this post, we will go over five simple checks that you can do to get a sense of your overall health. Whether you’re starting a new health journey or just wanting to check in, these tips are for you!

Check Your Resting Heart Rate

Your resting heart rate is a great indicator of your cardiovascular health and can give you insight into your level of physical fitness. The number of beats per minute (BPM) your heart needs to pump when you’re at rest is your resting heart rate.

To take your resting heart rate, sit quietly for five minutes and then place two fingers on the inside of your wrist, below the thumb. Count the number of beats you feel for 60 seconds. A healthy resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 BPM.

Take Note of Your Habits

Your daily habits can tell a lot about your overall health. Keep track of things like what you eat, how often you exercise, and how much water you drink. Smoking and substance use also play a significant part in your overall health. Try to identify any areas where you could make small changes to support your wellbeing.

Making small changes to your habits can help improve overall health. Start by setting realistic goals, such as drinking an extra cup of water a day or cutting out sugary snacks. Exercise is also important for physical and mental health—try building it into your daily routine with a 30-minute walk or some light stretching.

Healthy eating habits are essential, too—focus on incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into every meal. Lastly, try to reduce stress by setting aside time for yourself each day to relax and unwind. Making even small changes to your habits can help lead to better overall health in the long run.

Pay Attention to Your Sleep Habits

Quality sleep is critical to our health and wellbeing. Poor sleep quality can lead to increased stress levels, a weaker immune system, and metabolic issues. Pay attention to how much sleep you are getting and how restful it is. A good night’s sleep is typically 7-9 hours, and you wake up feeling rested and alert.

To ensure that you are getting the restorative sleep you need every night, it’s important to check in on your sleep hygiene regularly. Here are some signs that your sleep hygiene needs work:

– You feel tired and sluggish throughout the day.

– You find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep.

– Your sleep is disturbed by noise or light.

– You wake up feeling unrested and unrefreshed.

If you notice any of these signs, start making changes in your sleep habits like setting a consistent bedtime, avoiding screens before bedtime, and creating a dark, quiet environment for sleep.

Check Your Skin

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and can provide insight into our overall health status. Check for any moles or spots that are new or have changed in size or color. Look for any rashes or dry patches and note any concerns to share with your healthcare provider.

As you look at your skin, also keep an eye out for any redness, swelling, or discoloration. These could be signs of an inflammatory response, infection or even a more serious condition like eczema. Additionally, check your nails for any changes in shape or color that could indicate nutritional deficiencies or other underlying health conditions.

Finally, pay attention to any dryness or itching, and make sure to moisturize regularly. Paying attention to changes in your skin can help you catch any potential health problems early.

Get Regular Check-Ups

Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are essential to maintaining good health and catching any potential issues early on. Make sure to schedule an annual physical and any recommended screenings to help keep track of your health over time.

Small check-ups, such as blood tests, are also important to do often to measure your overall health. Blood work can give a comprehensive picture of your health indicators and help identify any potential issues before they become larger problems. Depending on your age and health status, you may need more or fewer tests done each year. Talk to your doctor about what tests are right for you, and make sure to follow their recommendations.

A great way to stay on top of regular check-ups is to utilize a mobile blood clinic service. These services provide laboratory testing at your doorstep, so you don’t have to worry about making it out to the doctor’s office. With this type of service, you can have a variety of tests done in the comfort and safety of your own home, including blood tests such as cholesterol and glucose levels, liver function, kidney function, and more. This makes it easier to stay on top of your health without having to leave the house.

Taking good care of our health doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Simple checks in a few key areas can give us a good idea of our overall health status. By checking your resting heart rate, keeping track of your habits, monitoring your sleep quality, checking your skin, and getting regular check-ups, you can help support your overall health and wellbeing. Remember, small steps can lead to big change, so start today on your path to optimal health!