How to Keep Your Lawn Healthy and Green

Keeping your lawn green and healthy isn’t always easy. Some days, it seems like all you need to do is mow the grass and water it. Other times, you feel like you’re spending every free moment on your lawn. The great news is that keeping your lawn healthy doesn’t have to take up much of your time. With a bit of planning and maintenance, you can keep your lawn lush and green all summer long.

Mow at the Right Time

During the summer, you’ll want to mow once per week. During fall and spring, every other week should be sufficient. Frequency is not the only concern when it comes to mowing at the right time. You also want to mow at the right time of day. The ideal time is around mid-morning, when the dew has dried but it’s not yet hot. If you try to mow earlier (especially between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m), the dew will cause the wet grass to clog your mower blades. It can also cause rust and damage your lawn if the grass is too wet.

Rotate Your Mowing Direction

Mowing your lawn in the same direction every time will wear out the grass, leaving it weak and susceptible to weeds and pests. It will also cause the grass to grow leaning in that direction, rather than straight up and down. By alternating directions, the grass is pushed in alternating directions, allowing it to grow a little straighter. To combat this, you should mow in a different direction each time. You may have heard that mowing your lawn in different directions leaves your lawns looking patchy and uneven. This is a myth. While it’s true that mowing in different directions won’t make your lawn look as manicured as cutting it all in one direction, it will leave the lawn healthier.

Fertilize Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn can help it grow more quickly and make it more resistant to pests and weeds. Keep in mind that you should speak to a local lawn care professional, like those at Dirt & Turf, for example, before using a fertilizer. Different types of grasses have varying needs, so a fertilizer that works for one type of grass may be detrimental to another. Additionally, some fertilizers work better in certain climates. Ask an expert which is right for your situation. You should also avoid fertilizing your lawn too early in the year, as the fertilizer will have a shorter lifespan in the ground.

Watering Is Key

Watering your lawn can be challenging. You don’t want to water it too much, or it will grow too quickly, but you don’t want to water it too little, or your grass will wither away. If you’re just starting to water your lawn, you should start by watering it two to three times a week. There are a few ways to determine whether your lawn is getting enough water. First, you can watch for signs of stress in your grass, like yellowing leaves or drying dirt. Second, you can use a soil moisture meter to see how much moisture your lawn has. If you see signs of stress and your meter shows that your soil is dry, you need to water your lawn more often.

Keeping your lawn healthy doesn’t have to be difficult. Mow your grass at the right time, rotate the direction you mow, fertilize it and water it properly, and you’ll have a healthy lawn all summer long. Making sure your lawn is as healthy as it can be is important. Not only is a healthy lawn a beautiful addition to your home, but it can also help prevent pests and diseases from spreading to your home. With the tips above, you’ll be able to keep your lawn green and healthy all summer long.