Common Nose Defects That Rhinoplasty Can Fix

Because of the nose’s central position on the face, it often draws a lot of attention. Although some people love the look of their natural nose, others may feel self-conscious about the shape or size of their nose. In some cases, certain problems with the structure of one’s nose may even cause them to experience difficulty breathing or other sinus disorders like allergic rhinitis or sinusitis.

Undergoing rhinoplasty may be the answer if you suffer from any of these issues. Rhinoplasty is a surgery that is aimed at changing the shape of your nose. It can involve the manipulation of bones, skin, cartilage, or all three. If only minor reshaping is needed, closed rhinoplasty may be enough, but when major nose reshaping is necessary, open rhinoplasty may be performed.

In most cases, the ultimate goal of rhinoplasty is to enhance facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. However, although rhinoplasty can be performed to change the appearance of your nose for aesthetic purposes, it can also improve your breathing or do both simultaneously.

Why Most People Get Rhinoplasty

There are many different reasons why people feel inclined to undergo rhinoplasty. However, some of the most common motivations for this surgical procedure are as follows:

  1. Damage to the interior nasal tissues or bridge of the nose

Sometimes, when you suffer from a nose injury, such as a broken nose, your interior nasal tissues or the bridge of your nose may not heal properly. In many cases, even when it does heal, it may look different than it did before, which is why many people choose to undergo rhinoplasty so damage can be fixed and their original nose shape can be restored.

  1. Nasal infections

Sinus infections are more likely to happen when your nasal airways are narrowed or blocked. By altering your nose’s structure, including your nostrils, a surgeon can open your nasal airways. Once those airways are opened, it can improve your breathing and lower your risk of getting sinus infections.

  1. Breathing obstructions caused by a damaged or crooked nose

In some cases, if you have a crooked nose, it can obstruct your breathing. This crookedness could simply be the result of genetics, or it could be the outcome of damage to your nose. When your breathing is obstructed, it can cause a wide range of health concerns and can negatively affect your quality of life. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can help reshape your nose to help you breathe easier once again.

  1. Moderate sleep apnea

If you have difficulty breathing, especially when you sleep, or you have significant snoring problems, you may suffer from sleep apnea. In most cases, this is the result of an obstructed nasal passage. Rhinoplasty can help eliminate that obstruction and restore your breathing to improve the overall quality of your sleep.

  1. A crooked septum

When your nasal septum is off-centre, it can make it difficult to breathe through one or both sides of your nose. In such cases, it may be necessary to undergo septoplasty in conjunction with rhinoplasty to reposition, trim, and straighten the cartilage and bone that make up your septum.

Common Nose Defects That Rhinoplasty Can Help Fix

There are certain nose shapes and defects that tend to be more common than others. The following defects are all commonly treated with rhinoplasty surgery.

  1. The nose’s bridge is overly broad or flat

If you are unsatisfied with how wide or flat the bridge of your nose is, augmentation rhinoplasty can help correct this issue. A surgeon can adjust the tip of your nose, which will consequently reduce the broadness of its bridge. Such a procedure can significantly change the contour of your nose, improving its overall appearance.

  1. The tip of the nose is too bulbous

Depending on the shape of your lower lateral cartilage, your nose may have a more rounded tip. Such a bulbous-shaped tip could make the size of your nose look disproportionate. Fortunately, rhinoplasty can correct such a shape and, in doing so, improve the overall aesthetic appearance of your nose.

  1. The nose appears overly large or lengthy

If your nose is too big or long, it may draw unwanted attention as it will likely be your most prominent facial feature. During rhinoplasty, a surgeon can reduce your nasal tip to give you a shorter nose. That way, you can have a more balanced facial profile that suits the rest of your face.

  1. The nose is too pointy

If you have excess cartilage at the tip of your nose or projecting nasal septum cartilage, your nose’s shape may be more pointed. Rhinoplasty can help reduce the size of your nose’s point while softening the appearance of its tip.

  1. There is a noticeable nose-bridge bulge or hump

Although nose humps and bulges can vary in size, they may be unsightly and can impact the overall aesthetic appearance of your nose. A rhinoplasty surgeon can reduce your nose hump or bulge to your desired specifications.

How to Choose Between Open or Closed Rhinoplasty

When it comes to rhinoplasty, the main two options are open or closed surgery. In most cases, when you only require minor contouring and reshaping to the cartilage below your nose’s bridge, a closed rhinoplasty is the best option.

However, if you require more significant reshaping, you need to correct a previous surgery, or you need to repair structural issues with your nose, an open rhinoplasty can allow for a wider range of repair and correction.

A closed rhinoplasty procedure is much less invasive, and, typically, only two incisions are made within your nostrils. That usually means there is less post-surgical swelling, a shorter recovery time, and no visible scarring.

On the other hand, an open rhinoplasty often involves a third incision made on the columella, which is the soft tissue that separates your nostrils. This third incision allows your surgeon to access your nose’s bone and cartilage more easily and improves visibility and range of motion during the surgery.

Open rhinoplasty typically takes longer to heal from, and a small scar may be left behind on your columella. However, this scar is barely noticeable, and it fades with time.

How to Decide Whether Rhinoplasty is for You

Do you suffer from any insecurities about the size or shape of your nose, or do you have difficulty breathing or consistent nasal infections? If so, it may be worth it for you to look into having a rhinoplasty procedure.

Rhinoplasty can make a significant difference in the appearance and functionality of your nose. Although you may experience some complications during the first few months after surgery as your nose heals, you will likely see significant results within a year.

Depending on your specific needs and whether you have an open or closed rhinoplasty, the cost of the surgery may be anywhere between $3,000 and $20,000. However, that is a small price to pay for the confidence and self-satisfaction that come with having a nose that will meet your aesthetic and functional desires, and that is what rhinoplasty can provide you.