Are You Using the Right Skincare?

Whether you’re looking to address problem areas or age gracefully, there are countless approaches a person can take in order to work on their skincare goals. One of the reasons why there are many approaches to consider is because of the skincare product list. Any combination of products can produce different results in different people. Many factors come into play when you’re looking for the right skin care products to use such as skin type, age, and more. If you’re looking to figure out whether you’re using the right skincare products or not, review the following factors.

1. Problem Areas

Rosacea, acne, and eczema are a few of the skincare concerns people deal with on a regular basis. For people with combination skin, their approach will greatly differ in how they treat certain portions of their face. If you’re unsure about whether you’re using the right skincare products, start by knowing what your skincare problems are. If you have acne, you’ll need to read the ingredient lists in order to look for higher doses of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. If you’re someone who struggles with a lot of oil production, a skincare mask that includes bentonite clay will help with oil absorption. If you’re just picking up skincare products because of the pretty packaging or great marketing tactics, you’re already off to a bad start. Know the details of your skincare problems in order to know which products you’ll need.

2. Skin Tone

When your skin contains more melanin and you’re trying to get rid of hyperpigmentation, it’s not enough to simply look for products that address discoloration. Instead, research ingredients such as niacinamide and tranexamic acid. Then, look for discoloration serums and products that contain those ingredients. Depending on the amount of melanin in your skin, you’ll approach discoloration differently. For some skin tones, discoloration shows up as red scars and marks. For darker skin tones, the discoloration can show up in shades of dark brown to black. By factoring in your skin tone and pigmentation, you’ll be able to pick out skincare products that resolve certain issues.

3. Ingredients

As skincare research continues to evolve, this reflects in the ingredient lists of various brands. As people look to correct various skincare concerns, they’re looking for probiotic skincare solutions. Probiotic skincare is increasing in popularity because of the live microorganisms found inside them. The microorganisms are known to help with a number of skin conditions.

4. Protection

Even on the cloudiest day, the sun’s ultraviolet rays can still cause harm. Always apply and reapply sunscreen because the sun holds the power to reverse all of the positive skincare rituals and products you’ve adopted. Even with the best skin care products, without SPF, the process is pointless. You might be using the right products, but you’re missing out on the results due to a lack of SPF. If you’re concerned about the chemicals or ingredients in SPF lotions and sprays, look for clean options that skincare professionals recommend. The reapplication of SPF is especially important because consistency always matters. If your commute from work takes 30 minutes, consider how long you’re exposed to the sun when you’re sitting in your car. Don’t underestimate the sun’s ability to damage the skin during a daily commute over a number of years.

5. Diet

In the same way that SPF matters as a major skincare product, your diet can impact your skin. You might be using the right skincare products, but you’re consuming the wrong foods. Opt for an anti-inflammatory diet because what you put in your body will directly impact your skin. Oftentimes, chronic diseases are a result of inflammation in the body. This includes acne. By adopting a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet, you’ll increase your chances of maintaining a healthy gut and providing a healthy foundation for your skincare products to do the external work.

Your skincare routine really matters because when you implement it on a consistent basis, you’ll uncover tangible results. If you use wear SPF every day, the tangible result equates to protection from premature wrinkles, skin cancer, and more. If you don’t implement a routine, you leave yourself vulnerable to issues with premature aging, breakouts, etc. Even though the work of curating the perfect skincare product list might seem intimidating or exhausting, commit to the process. Use these tips in order to guide your process. As you remain consistent, your skin will reflect the effort you put into it.