How Sleep Apnea Affects Your Heart and Increases the Risk of Heart Disease?

Heart Disease

We’ve all heard tales of extreme snorers whose snorts and snores shake windows and wake up the neighbours. Sleep apnea affects many of these folks. The airway gets closed, or the muscles that regulate breathing stop moving in this situation. Obstructive sleep apnea is a prevalent condition that has been related to a variety of medical issues. For example, sudden cardiac arrest is a prevalent condition that many people are unaware of.

Sleep apnea patients experience poor-quality sleep and are tired all day since they are often woken. They may also have a problem with their cardiovascular system. Cardiac failure, atrial fibrillation (a heart rhythm abnormality), and stroke affect 47 per cent to 83 per cent of individuals with cardiovascular disease, 35 per cent of people with high blood pressure, and 12 per cent to 53 per cent of persons with heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and stroke.

In this blog, we’ll talk about how snoring or sleep apnea affects the heart and increases the risk of heart disease.

Isn’t Sleep Apnea Merely a Fancy Name for Snoring?

No. Snoring is the unpleasant sound that happens when your throat passes loosened tissues. Sleep apnea is a condition or a disorder in which a person begins and stops in sleep time and again. Not all snores have sleep apnea, but many sleep apneas routinely snorkel—and loudly. One in five individuals has at least moderate sleep apnea; they are more males than females. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most prevalent sleep apnea, which helps prevent airflow by weight in the upper chest and neck.

How Does Sleep Apnea Symptoms Look?

The initial OSA indications are often detected by the bedpartner, not the sufferer. Many of the victims have no concerns about sleep. The most frequent symptoms and signs of OSA include:

  • Sleepiness or tiredness during the day.
  • Duration of sleep, often waking at night.
  • Sudden wakes with a feeling of scorn or shock.
  • Dry or painful mouth when you wake up.
  • Cognitive impairment such as concentration difficulties, oblivion or impatience.
  • Unrest in mood (depression or anxiety).
  • Sweat at night.
  • Functional urination at night.

If you or your partner experiences such symptoms at night, consult the Best Sleep Apnea Doctor in India to get maximum results!

How Does Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Causes Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea!

So, what is the primary cause of sleep apnea? This condition takes place when your back muscles relax. The soft palate, the triangular part of tissue hanging from the soft palate (uvula), the amber, the sidewalls of the neck and the tongue are supported by this muscle.

If your muscles relax, your airway is diminishing or closing when you breathe in. As a result, you can’t obtain enough air that can reduce your blood oxygen levels. Your brain recognises your incapacity to breathe and sleep momentarily to reopen your airway. Usually, this awakening is so quick that you don’t have enough time to recognise it.

Now, let’s get into the insights into how sleep apnea is diagnosed and the best treatment for sleep apnea? Read on to know more!

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis!

Your doctor will evaluate the indications, symptoms and the history of your sleep, which you may give support if feasible from a person who shares your bed or home.

Your sleep apnea specialist can assist you in determining your subsequent assessment needs. An assessment generally entails monitoring the night at a breathing sleep centre and other bodily processes during sleep known as Nocturnal Polysomnography. Testing home sleep might also be an option.

Sleep Apnea Treatment!

Your sleep apnea specialist may merely advise changes in lifestyle, such as decreasing weight or quitting smoking, for milder forms of sleep apnea. Your doctor will offer therapy for your allergies if you have nasal allergies. If your signs and symptoms are not improved or your apnea is moderate to severe, you will have various additional therapies available. If your signs and symptoms are not improved or your apnea is moderate to severe, you will have various additional therapies available.

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP): You might benefit from utilising a machine to supply air pressure through a mask during your sleep if you have moderate to severe sleep apnea. You might have to test many types of masks to find one convenient. If you experience issues, do not stop using the CPAP machine. Instead, check for changes with your doctor to improve your comfort.
  • Oral Equipment: Another way to keep your throat open is to use oral appliances. CPAP is more reliable than oral devices. However, it may be easier to use oral devices. Some are created with your jaw opened to reduce snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea, occasionally.
  • Supplemental Oxygen: If you are the one who is suffering from central sleep apnea, the use of additional oxygen while you sleep may assist. There are several types of oxygen with instruments to provide your lung with oxygen.
  • Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV): This airflow gadget has just been authorised to learn your regular breathing pattern and saves information on an integrated computer. The equipment utilises pressure after sleep to restore your respiratory rhythm and prevent respiratory pauses. It seems that ASV is more helpful in treating complex sleep apnea in certain patients than other kinds of positive airway pressure. But those with significant central sleep apnea and advanced heart failure may not be the right choice.

Adaptive Servo-Ventilation

Surgery is typically only an option following the failure of alternative therapy. In general, a trial of another therapy alternatives at least three months is recommended before surgery is considered. However, this is a reasonable initial choice for a small number of patients with specific abnormalities of mandibular structure. For more surgery options, it is advised to visit the best hospital in India, which has numerous opportunities for the treatment of sleep apnea.

The Bottom Line!

So, this blog was all about how sleep apnea affects your heart and increases the risk of heart diseases. It is always advised to visit your nearest hospital to get the treatment done before it’s too late; because precaution is better than cure! If you like this blog, don’t forget to put your comments in the comment section below!

Author Bio:

Aadarsh Sharma is closely associated with Pranayam Lung and Heart Institute. He is also a fitness expert and is passionate about writing to educate. He is an avid reader and likes to share his thoughts on healthy habits through his highly informative blogs.