7 Best Solutions to Enhance the Warehouse Storage Efficiency With Racking

Warehouse Storage

Proper storage and inventory management warehouse services are required to improve warehouse efficiency. Properly storing goods in an orderly manner will facilitate pick-and-ship processes and lower operating costs. You should also take note of your building code restrictions. The Pareto Principle is an excellent way to maximize the storage space of any warehouse. Victor Coronado, an expert on the subject, wrote a book that showed that 80% of the activity in a warehouse is related to 20% of the items.

Here is a list of warehouse improvements ideas for you to follow to have better management at the warehouse.

1. Use Different Racking

You can use a large metal storage racks to improve storage efficiency. The best way to increase the storage space is to separate products by size. For example, you can place smaller items in separate rows, while larger items go into different areas. By using a racking system designed for a specific size, you can maximize your space and minimize the chances of losing small items. You can even reorganize it in the manner that best suits your needs.

2.  Get Some Stacking Racks

Stacking racks are a great warehouse improvement option to increase storage capacity. The right racking system can maximize the vertical space by storing products in a row. Remember that you should choose racking that meets all manufacturer specifications. You can also narrow aisles to increase storage space. Just make sure that you allow enough space for the forklifts to operate properly.

3. Calculate The Space Beforehand

If you can find a way to optimize the layout of your warehouse, it will be the best solution to improve warehouse efficiency and increase profits. When designing your warehouse, consider how much space you have in each area. In most cases, you will only have space for ten to twenty feet of racks. Then, multiply that number with the total area of the warehouse. You’ll see how much space you can maximize by adding up the numbers.

4. Look After The Shelves

To maximize your warehouse storage efficiency, evaluate your shelving. You may be surprised to find that you have unused space in your warehouse.  For instance, you can place small items on industrial shelving that meet the required size of your products. If your shelves are too low, you need to invest in the best shelving and pallet racking.

5. Invest in a Storage System

Using a storage system to maximize the vertical space is important to maximizing warehouse space. Once you have an idea of your needs, you can choose the most suitable storage solution. By choosing the right system that meets your needs, you can maximize the storage area, and the organization will be more productive. You can also reserve larger spaces for large or fast-moving items. Keeping frequently used items close to the shipping offices or docks will improve warehouse efficiency.

6. Maximize Vertical Space

An efficient warehouse is a warehouse where storage is maximized. So if there is much floor space, it means the area isn’t being utilized. You should also focus on maximizing vertical space. Ensure that you have enough aisles and racks for each item. When the aisles are narrow, it is easy to move around and avoid crowding. If the racking is too large, it will make your storage areas unnecessarily cluttered.

7. Double Deep Racking

One of the best warehouse improvement ideas is opting for double racking. Double-reach racking can help you maximize the amount of storage density in a warehouse. You must consider how much depth you need to accommodate the equipment. You should also be aware of the size of each container before choosing the size. This way, you can make the most of the space in your warehouse.

Warehouse Management Tips

Label Inventory

One of the most important warehouse management tips is to label your inventory properly. This will help the entire facility flow smoothly and help you avoid errors. You should also consider placing safety signs throughout your warehouse.


A disorganized warehouse is a dangerous place. One of the best warehouse management tips that will save you time and money is keeping your space clean. This way, you can stay on top of everything else and avoid the transmission of diseases.


Be sure to have a checklist for the day. Creating and updating a checklist can help you avoid mistakes that may be costly. It can help you keep track of all your tasks and stay organized.


A Warehouse Management System or a WMS is an excellent tool to automate your internal logistics. Not only will a WMS improve warehouse efficiency, but it will also help you set up a floor plan, keep track of inventory stock, and improve your inter-company communications. Having a WMS can reduce operating costs and ensure your employees are happy and productive. A WMS will also enhance your business’s productivity and efficiency.

So, take advantage of these warehouse management tips and keep your warehouse running smoothly.


Oliver Smith is a marketing consultant for The Warehouse Racking Company, a leading supplier of high-quality storage racking and other storage equipment. He also has a standing reputation as a storage shelving expert. Whether you are looking for general storage warehouse storage solutions or a specialized racking storage system, he is the right person to ask.