6 Ways to Lower Blood Cholesterol Without Taking Pills

Blood Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels ultimately contribute to vascular atherosclerosis, indicating ischemic cardiac dysfunction (complexity), acute brain vascular complications (stroke), which is a clear pathological link in type 2 diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, and eye macular retina.

Next, the liver and a number of cells contain around 75% cholesterol. The remainder of the 25% is from food (from animal products).

The food contains dietary cholesterol

Nutritional cholesterol is present in plants and in foods we consume. The primary source is a mammal. For instance, in one egg, 275 mg; it is not in the apple.



Blood serum cholesterol can be found

Serum cholesterol circulates in the blood and is determined by a special examination by physicians.

There are two main types of cholesterol in the blood:

  • HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) is good cholesterol, a type of serum cholesterol that is considered “good” because of its ability to cleanse arteries: the higher the level, the better.
  • LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) – bad cholesterol, is the “evil twin” of HDL, which clogs the arteries. The lower the level, the better.


Take off food fat. The most powerful influence on cholesterol levels is saturated fat by far. It would also be prudent to reduce saturated fat sources such as fatty foods, butter, cheese, and processed oil. Substitute fish, poultry, or low-fat dairy goods for these foods as far as possible.

1.  Switch to olive oil

olive oil

In a totally new fat – monosaturated – olive oil and some other foods including nuts and avocados are strong. Monounsaturated fats were detected as reducing only LDL (“bad”) cholesterol while HDL (“good”) cholesterol was left unattained. Add 2-3 olive oil spoons per day to a low-fat diet. Be sure you substitute other fats, not just add to them, for monounsaturated fats.

2. Don’t eat many chickens and Eggs

Eggs and chickens

However, that does not mean that you can delete them from your diet entirely. While eggs contain large quantities of cholesterol (275 mg each), Dr. McNamara reports the increased diététic cholesterol at about 2/3 of the population without an increase in serum cholesterol. This is how the body changes the production of cholesterol and excretion to high levels of intake. 50 patients consumed up to three big eggs a day for 6 weeks in one of his experiments. There was then high cholesterol of less than a third of them. Reduce your diet to three eggs a week if you feel like eating an egg and eliminate the risk.

3. Stand on legumes

Lean on legumes. Beans and other legumes are nutritious and cheap and contain water-soluble fibers called pectin, which encircles and flushes cholesterol from the body until it gets into trouble.

4. Check the weight of your body

The more cholesterol your body contains, the more complete you are. 20-year research performed in the Netherlands concluded that body weight is the primary driver of serum cholesterol. Increased cholesterol levels by 0.5 kg each increase in body weight by 2. And a strong correlation between blood cholesterol and body weight was established by the famous Framingham Heart Research.

5. Eat more fruits


Out of the presence of the pectin therein, the fruit may also decrease cholesterol. University of Florida Gastroenterologist James Cerda observed that pectin in pulp and skin reduces cholesterol on average by 7,6% over 8 weeks. Eat more fruits more. You could dramatically lower cholesterol levels if you consume half a grapefruit for breakfast, a lunch apple, a few slices of orange for lunch, for instance.Remove cholesterol and fats from oats and barley. Beta-glucan is a soluble oat and barley fiber. Cholesterol and the chance of heart disease are decreased.

6. Do not drink or smoke

Another reason to stop smoking is here. New Orleans research scientist Dr. David S. Friedmon, MD, observed a substantial rise in blood cholesterol among teenagers who smoked just 20 cigarettes monthly. Analysis has further shown that smokers have low HDL cholesterol levels. However, everyone has gradually and dramatically raised their HDL concentration as a group of hard-core smokers stops smoking.