5 Day-to-Day Habits That Make Your TMJ Symptoms Worse

TMD or Temporomandibular joint disorder is a condition that causes pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. If you suffer from severe TMJ pain, you may be wondering what you can do to alleviate the symptoms. Fortunately, many common TMJ pain treatments in Illinois are available. Lifestyle changes, as well as medication, can ease symptoms and prevent further damage. While many cases of TMJ disorder can be resolved with a few simple lifestyle changes, extreme cases demand more professional guidance from a TMJ specialist in Illinois.

If you ignore the pain, it will become a more severe problem. A diagnosis of TMJ disorder should never be delayed, as it will reduce your quality of life and threaten your life. Those with TMJ problems might do anything to avoid pain in their jaw. Yet, many do not realize that some seemingly harmless habits are causing more TMJ pain. If you have unbearable pain related to TMJ, you must immediately visit a TMJ specialist in Illinois.

To protect your jaw from any uncalled suffering, try to avoid these day-to-day habits:

Clenching & Grinding Your Teeth

The habit of clenching and grinding your teeth can have no immediate effect on your health, but if not controlled, it can cause chronic health problems. Clenching and grinding can lead to more severe TMJ symptoms. It can also lead to a whole host of issues, including TMD. Grinding your teeth can be very uncomfortable and interfere with your quality of life. Early diagnosis and treatment of TMJ at TMJ clinic in Naperville can lead to a pain-free lifestyle.

If you grind your teeth at night, you can wear a mouthpiece to prevent them from touching. Alternatively, you can try resting your jaw between your teeth. It will prevent the teeth from touching and ease jaw pain in many cases. If you do not want to wear a mouthpiece, reach out to your TMJ dentist in Naperville to understand more about the condition.

Using Your Teeth as a Tool

While it may seem harmless at first, using your teeth to open the packages or containers can cause quite a few problems for your teeth and jaw. Your teeth are not intended to open cans, jars, or bottles but to chew food. Practicing such unhealthy acts may lead to the uncomfortable position of your jaw, adding irregular pressure to your TMJ.

For more information on how certain habits can make your TMJ symptoms worse, contact your TMJ dentist in Naperville. They will examine and discuss the best-suited and most effective TMJ pain treatment in Illinois.

Biting Your Nails

The habit of biting nails is associated with an increased risk of TMJ pain, headaches, and broken teeth. However, if diagnosed in time at a renowned TMJ clinic in Naperville, the condition can be successfully treated. The habit of biting can be a symptom of an underlying problem, including severe anxiety or stress. Moreover, the abnormal positioning of the mouth during chewing puts pressure on the jaw, leading to jaw pain, locking, and headaches. Fortunately, there are several treatments for nail-biting; consult a TMJ dentist in Naperville right now for effective TMJ pain treatment in Illinois.

Although nail-biting isn’t directly related to TMJ pain, it can contribute to TMJ disorder in various ways. It can lead to bruxism, a condition in which you grind your teeth, causing pain in your jaw. This disorder is usually not painful, but it can cause tooth enamel erosion. The habit of biting nails causes this wear. You can treat your TMJ disorder by seeking professional help from a well-versed TMJ dentist in Naperville.

Don’t Sleep on Your Stomach

Sleeping on your stomach can cause problems with your jaw alignment. It will cause more pressure on your jaw and affect your bite. If you have a habit of sleeping on your stomach, consider changing this habit and try sleeping on your side. If this habit is a cause of your TMJ symptoms, seek out a qualified TMJ specialist in Illinois for the best available TMJ pain treatment in Illinois. Reach out to the nearby TMJ clinic in Naperville for better sleeping postures.

While many experts say sleeping on your back can reduce TMJ symptoms, it’s still bad for your neck and spine. It puts extra pressure on your jaw, which leads to increased pain. Instead, sleep on your side, or a pillow cushions your head and neck. By sleeping on your back or stomach, you can increase the pressure on your jaw and exacerbate symptoms.

Poor posture

Poor posture can make the jaw muscles and the spine misalign. Head forward posture puts undue strain on the muscles and joints in the back of the neck, particularly the upper trapezius muscle, which influences the jaw. When you adopt a head forward posture, you increase the likelihood of developing TMJ disorder. To treat this condition, try to fix the problem with proper posture and visit a well-experienced TMJ specialist in Illinois.

Proper posture is crucial when you have TMJ. Besides, improper posture can make the symptoms worse. A good TMJ dentist in Naperville can help you with these problems. Visiting a good TMJ clinic in Naperville can help you overcome your pain and restore confidence and posture.

Key Takeaways

While a TMJ specialist in Illinois can recommend a mouthpiece for your TMJ treatment, some patients cannot use one. They can seek suitable TMJ pain treatment in Illinois to calm their pain and lead a comfortable life. Those with TMJ-related disorders should visit a TMJ clinic in Naperville as soon as possible to prevent the problem from worsening.

Some people experience occasional discomfort in their jaw area and the chewing muscles. It is normal, and it usually resolves on its own without treatment. But when this pain stays longer and doesn’t get resolved on its own, it’s highly advisable to visit a TMJ dentist in Naperville and get the best available TMJ pain treatment in Illinois.


Dominic Robinson has been writing for the healthcare industry for years to become a legacy guest author. His educational background in the medical sciences provides a solid foundation and credibility to approach many health-related issues. Still, he especially enjoys preparing scientifically-backed pieces on modern-day medical problems. You can learn more about him at Suburban TMJ and Sleep Center.