7 Best Ways To Increase Muscle Mass And Strength After An Injury

After an injury, it can be frustrating to lose progress. You do everything right and work hard in the gym, but then you get hurt, and all of that hard work goes away.

This is a common problem among bodybuilders and weightlifters alike. Unfortunately, many people are injured every year due to a wide variety of reasons: poor diet, bad workout habits, or simply being unlucky.

Fortunately, there are ways to increase muscle mass and strength after an injury. The bad news is that these methods take time and dedication. So, if you want to get back into the gym ASAP, here are some tips for getting started:

Use Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs).

SARMs bodybuilding supplements are a class of drugs designed to have anabolic effects on muscle. The drugs showed promising results in both animals and humans. One of the most common uses for SARMs is to help people who have been injured build back muscle mass and strength faster than just taking other supplements.

Bodybuilders and athletes take SARMs to help them build more muscle mass without putting in as much effort. These drugs can be injected or taken orally into the body. When appropriately used, SARMs can increase testosterone levels in men by up to 500 percent! If you need where to get SARMs in Canada, click here!


To return to shape after an injury, you must first make sure your body is ready for exercise again. Unfortunately, many people jump back into their routine without taking enough time to recover properly; this mistake often results in another injury.

When you stretch after an injury, you allow your muscles to relax and come back into alignment without putting pressure on them too quickly. This will help prevent future injuries and reduce pain levels when exercising again.

Diet and nutrition

Eating more calories than you burn at the gym will cause you to gain weight (including muscle). Eating fewer calories than you burn at the gym will cause you to lose weight (including fat and possibly some muscle). But if you’re eating too little food, your body will start burning up its tissues for energy (including muscle) because it thinks there’s a famine coming!

So don’t try starving yourself or eating way less food than your body needs to maintain itself. That will make you weaker and more prone to injury and illness. In addition, this can cause other problems down the line like osteoporosis, heart disease, and diabetes.

Train Your Muscles To Handle Higher Loads

When you’re injured, your body adapts by lowering its overall work capacity (called metabolic scaling). This helps prevent further muscle damage during everyday activities such as walking or lifting objects. However, it also means that your muscles don’t have as much room for growth as they would otherwise because they’re not being pushed as hard during exercise.

You must train your muscles to handle higher loads than usual (called overreaching) to overcome this problem. Overreaching involves doing more training than usual while still allowing plenty of recovery between workouts. This causes a temporary increase in protein synthesis (muscle growth) alongside a decrease in muscle protein breakdown (muscle wasting).

Eat More Protein

Protein helps build muscle mass, so eating plenty of protein after an injury is crucial. You should aim for 1 gram per pound of body weight each day. For example, if you weigh 220 pounds, consume 220 grams of protein per day. Protein shakes are an effective and easy way to get more protein without adding excess calories or fat.

Drink enough water every day

This is a no-brainer, but drinking enough water every day is essential for health, including building muscle. Your body needs water to transport macro and micronutrients to your muscles and flush out waste products. If you’re dehydrated, your body won’t function properly and will not repair itself.

The amount of water you should drink will depend on the time of year, how active you are, and the prevailing weather conditions. However, the general recommendation is that men consume around 3.7 liters (0.8 gallons) per day while women need 2.7 liters (0.5 gallons).

Give your muscles adequate rest

Your body needs time to recover from injury, but you don’t have to abandon your workouts. Studies have shown that people who maintain their strength levels experience less muscle loss and regain their pre-injury strength more quickly after an injury than those who don’t work out during recovery time. So while it’s important not to overdo it during this initial phase, regular exercise — even light weight lifting — can help speed up the healing process and prevent further damage.


Gaining muscle isn’t easy or something that happens overnight for many people. But if you’ve found yourself limited in the gym because of an injury, you can still do plenty of things to build muscle and strength. By implementing good recovery practices, doing exercises where applicable), and following a good diet, you can help minimize muscle loss while segueing back into your routine as pain-free as possible.