How Your Genetics Can Affect Your Allergies

If you suffer from allergies, you know that they can be debilitating. Sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes can make going about your day-to-day life challenging. But what you may not know is that your genetics may be to blame. Recent studies have shown a strong link between genetics and allergies. In this blog post, we will discuss the role of genetics in allergies and how you can use this information to manage your symptoms better.

Causes Of Allergies Genetically

1. Family History

If you have a family member with allergies, you are more likely to suffer from allergies yourself. This is because allergies are often passed down from generation to generation.

2. Immune System

People with allergies have been found to have a higher than average number of IgE antibodies in their blood. IgE stands for immunoglobulin E, a type of antibody produced in response to an allergen. Studies have shown that people with a family history of allergies are more likely to have high levels of IgE antibodies. This means that genetics play a role in the development of allergies.

3. Environmental Factors

While genetics play a role in developing allergies, environmental factors can also contribute. Pollution, cigarette smoke, and pet dander can all trigger an allergic reaction.

4. Age

Allergies often develop during childhood or adolescence. This may be due to a combination of genetics and environmental factors.

5. Diet

Some studies have shown a link between diet and allergies. Some foods, such as dairy products and wheat, have triggered allergies in some people.

6. Stress

Stress has been found to trigger allergies in some people. It is not clear how stress affects the immune system, but it is thought that it may cause the release of histamine, which can trigger an allergic reaction.

7. Infections

It is thought that infections may play a role in developing allergies. This is because infections can cause changes in the immune system, making someone more susceptible to developing allergies.

8. Exposure to Allergens

The more exposure you have to an allergen, the more likely you are to develop an allergy to it. This is because the body’s immune system will start to produce antibodies in response to the allergen, which can cause an allergic reaction.

9. Seasonal Allergies

Allergies that occur only at certain times of the year, such as hay fever, are seasonal. This is because the person is only exposed to the allergen at certain times of the year. For example, someone who suffers from hay fever is only exposed to pollen during the spring and summer months.

10. Latent Allergies

A latent does not cause symptoms until another factor triggers it. For example, a person who has a latent allergy to dust may only start to experience symptoms when exposed to dust mites. These types of allergies are often not discovered until adulthood.

Common Symptoms of Genetic Allergies

1. Sneezing

Sneezing is a common symptom of allergies. It is caused by the release of histamine, which triggers the sneezing reflex.

2. Asthma

Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. People with asthma often have a family history of the condition.

3. Watery eyes

Watery eyes are a common symptom of allergies. The inflammation of the blood vessels causes them in the eye, which leads to an increase in tears.

4. Itchy eyes

Itchy eyes are a common symptom of allergies. The inflammation of the blood vessels causes them in the eye, which leads to irritation and itching.

5. Itchy nose

An itchy nose is a common symptom of allergies. It is caused by the inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose, which leads to irritation and itching.

6. Congestion

Congestion is a common symptom of allergies. It is caused by the swelling of the blood vessels in the nasal passage, which leads to a build-up of fluid.

7. Fatigue

Allergies can cause fatigue because they put a lot of stress on the body. This is because allergies trigger the fight or flight response, releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones can make you feel tired and fatigued.

8. Headaches

Allergies can cause headaches because they put a lot of stress on the body. This is because allergies trigger the release of histamine, which can constrict blood vessels and lead to headaches.

9. Skin Rash

A skin rash is a common symptom of allergies. It is caused by the inflammation of the skin, which leads to irritation and itching.

Here Are A Few Things You Can Do to Manage Your Symptoms

1. Avoid the Allergens That Trigger Your Symptoms

If you know what your allergens are, try to avoid them as much as possible. This may mean staying inside on days when the pollen count is high or avoiding pets that trigger your allergies.

2. Allergy Treatments

If you are allergic to dust mites, there are several things you can do to reduce your exposure. You can look into dust mite allergy treatments, these include encasing your mattress and pillows in dust-proof covers, washing your bedding in hot water, and vacuuming regularly.

3. Get Tested

Get tested if you are unsure what your allergens are. This can be done with a blood test or a skin prick test.

4. See A Doctor

If you have trouble managing your allergies, see a doctor for advice. They may be able to prescribe stronger medications or suggest other treatments.

5. Keep A Diary

Keep track of what triggers your allergies and when they occur. This can help you to identify your allergens and better manage your symptoms.

6. Be Prepared

Always carry medication with you if you have an allergic reaction. And, if you know you will be exposed to an allergen, take medication beforehand to prevent a reaction.

7. Check the Pollen Counts

The pollen count measures how much pollen is in the air. When the pollen count is high, there is a greater risk of triggering an allergic reaction. Try to stay inside these days and avoid activities that will increase your exposure to pollen, such as gardening or hiking.

8. Stay Indoors

During seasons when allergies are common, such as spring and fall, try to stay indoors as much as possible. This will help to reduce your exposure to allergens.

9. Clean Your House

Dust can trigger allergies. To reduce your exposure to these allergens, regularly dust and vacuum your house. You may also want to consider using an air purifier.


Allergies are a common problem that can cause various symptoms, such as itchy eyes, a runny nose, and a rash. You can do several things to manage your allergies, including avoiding allergens, taking medication, and getting tested. If you are having trouble managing your allergies, consult a doctor.