Car Washes: The Pros and Cons of Doing it Yourself

Whether you’re a proud owner of a brand-new shiny car or your car is well-loved and a bit more static, you’ll understand the importance of having your vehicle look its best. Doing your car wash yourself can be incredibly satisfying and leave you with a freshly clean vehicle at a fraction of the cost. While auto detailing can be expensive, it’s also something that most people don’t want to spend too much on.


Saves Money

Pay for the water, and you’re done! You’ll be amazed at how much a gallon of water, soap, and a bucket will cost compared to paying for a car wash.

Saves Time

If you choose to wash your car by yourself, you can do it any time and as often as you want. A car wash will take at least 10 minutes of extra driving time (not including the wait for your car to be finished) or about an hour if you include waiting time too. A wash by hand can take as little as 10 minutes of actual washing time, but it can take up to an hour if you do it from scratch (washing your vehicle inside and out before washing). You can also wash with your family or friends hence helping in bonding.

Trusted Supplies

You can be sure that what you put in your car is clean and fresh because you have done the work yourself. Soap and water are all you need to safely wash your car by hand. You can purchase whatever brand you know and trust. This way, you can avoid gimmicks that make your car’s paint more susceptible to the sun’s UV rays. Many soaps are not made for cars but for dishwashers where heavy-duty cleaning is required. Be sure to read the ingredients on the bottle if you’re unsure what it was made for! It is also recommended to use a soft cloth when washing or microfiber cloth, most often found at dollar stores or auto supply stores.

More Cautious

With this process, you will apply many extra safety measures to wash your car properly. You’ll likely spend more time washing your car by hand than by having it washed at a car wash due to being more attentive or meticulous about what you do when washing your car by hand. And one of the most important parts of the process is taking care of your shift boot while washing your car.

Environment Friendly

As far as the environment is concerned, using a hose on your vehicle will at least reduce emissions that would otherwise be present while driving to a car wash. You’re not polluting or wasting energy if you’re washing your car at home. It’s zero emissions!


Time Consuming

You’re not only spending time rinsing and cleaning your car but also filling up the bucket with water, emptying the bucket, and pre-soaking your car with a hose before washing it by hand so that you don’t damage any parts.

Harsh Chemicals

The harsh chemicals you will use will not only destroy the paint job and paint coat of your vehicle, but you may also end up damaging some other parts of the car, such as the window, interior, and engine. Generally, the harsh chemicals are loaded with alcohols and sulfates that may leave streaks on your windows, dashboard, and seats. These harsh chemicals may also damage your vehicle’s motor or engine if they come into direct contact with it.

Unfiltered Water

Unfiltered water contains more chemicals, dirt, and bacteria than filtered water does. Most people that wash their car by hand will use, at the very least, a bucket to collect water from the hoses. If it is not filtered water, the car’s paint job may appear duller and dirtier with use over time.

Damage Vehicle

The slightest pressure on your car can create a scratch or streak, which will remain for the rest of your vehicle’s lifetime and may lead to damaging rust.


Most people would love to be able to wash their cars regularly; however, lack of time is one of the biggest factors in why this is not an option for many people. Only washing your car once or twice a year can cause your car to look dull and dingy after one season. Not only would washing your car promote a good appearance, but it can also help you sell it faster if you ever need to.