Why car decals are the new hot marketing tool (and how to use them)

Car decals are an effective and affordable way for businesses to get their message out. Whether you are a small business or large business, car decals can help reach thousands of potential customers. Car decals also have the added benefit of being very long-lasting, with some lasting up to seven years. The best part is that they are easy to install and remove, so you don’t have to worry about any kind of permanent damage or hassle with installation.

Here’s why car decals should be part of your marketing strategy:

1. Visibility:

Car decals offer high visibility for your brand or message – whether it’s on the back window or side panels – wherever there’s an opportunity, it’s a chance for more visibility.

2. Reach:

Car decals can reach thousands of potential customers, even in the most remote areas where traditional marketing wouldn’t be able to reach.

3. Durability:

Car decals are made from durable materials and can last anywhere from two to seven years, depending on the type of material used (which is usually vinyl). This makes car decals an excellent option for long-term branding and promotional efforts.

4. Cost:

Car decals are very affordable when compared to other methods of advertising such as radio or television spots which can cost a lot of money upfront, with no guarantee that your message will be seen or heard.

5. Easy to Install and Remove:

Car decals are easy to install and remove, so you don’t have to worry about any kind of permanent damage or hassle with installation.

How to Use Car Decals in your Marketing Strategy:

1. Design:

The first step is creating the best design for your car decal – this could be anything from a logo, slogan, graphics or text. Make sure that it can be clearly seen on the car window and ensure that there’s enough contrast between background colors and font colors to make it stand out (you want people to see it!).

2. Placement:

Decide where you would like your car decal to be placed on the car – this could be the rear window, side panels, front windshield or any other visible area. Make sure that it’s not obstructing the driver’s view and is within legal limits.

3. Promote:

Once your car decal is installed on the car, use it as an opportunity to promote your business or message. You can do this through social media (Facebook, Instagram etc.), by sharing pictures of your car with the decal and encouraging others to share them too. This will help extend your reach even further.

4. Measure Results:

You should also measure how effective your car decals are in terms of reaching potential customers and engaging with them. Track the number of impressions (how many people saw your car decal), interaction (the level of engagement it’s getting) and conversion rates (the percentage of people who are actually buying from you).


Q: Are car decals easy to install and remove?

A: Yes, most car decals are very easy to install and remove. Most of the time all you need is a pair of scissors, soap and water.

Q: How long do car decals last?

A: Depending on the type of material used (usually vinyl), car decals can last anywhere from two to seven years.


Car decals are an affordable, efficient and effective way for businesses to get their message out – whether it’s through branding or promotion. They offer high visibility for your brand or message, reach thousands of potential customers in even the most remote locations, are made from durable materials and are easy to install and remove. Use them as part of your marketing strategy and measure the results to maximize their effectiveness.

Car decals are an effective and affordable way for businesses to get their message out. It offers high visibility, can reach thousands of potential customers, and is durable and cost-effective. With a well thought-out design and strategic placement, you can use car decals to boost your brand awareness and sales in no time!

If you want to learn more about how to use car decals for your marketing strategy or if you need help with designing a custom car decal for your business, contact us today. We’d be happy to help!