5 Ways to Get Rid of Painful Bloating

Bloating is a common problem for most people. You might look at yourself in the mirror and see that you’ve got a puffy tummy or that your face is inflamed. When you feel like you would do anything to get rid of your bloating, it can be difficult to take the necessary steps to relieve your discomfort. Below are some things you can do to get rid of painful bloating fast.

What is bloating?

Bloating, which is also known as distension or flatulence, can be defined as the swelling of the abdomen due to gas or excessive fluid. It is a common problem that affects most people at some point in their lives.

When you eat food, it gets digested by your body and broken down into small molecules that are then absorbed into your body. This process creates waste products that are excreted out of the body through urination or defecation.

However, some foods cannot be digested easily by our body, and these remain undigested in our large intestine, where they ferment and produce gases like hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), etc. These gases cause bloating and distention of the abdomen, due to which many people experience discomfort after meals.

Try acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment that uses tiny needles to stimulate certain points on the body known as meridians. The needles are inserted into the skin at these points and then rotated for about 15 minutes before being removed.

Acupuncture triggers a release of endorphins in your body — your body’s natural painkillers — which help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Because bloating causes an increase in internal pressure within your abdomen, acupuncture can help relieve this pressure and reduce symptoms of discomfort.

Take probiotics

Probiotics are “live” bacteria and yeasts (a type of fungus) that are good for your health. They can help balance the number of good and bad bacteria in your gut. This can help reduce bloating as well as other digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea.

Probiotics for feminine health can be found at most health food stores, drugstores, and supermarkets. They’re often added to yogurts and other foods, as well as drinks like kombucha and kefir (fermented milk). There’s also a growing number of probiotic-rich foods available that don’t require refrigeration — including sauerkraut and kimchi — which may be easier to find than supplements.

Drink water

Drinking water helps reduce bloating because it helps you keep your body hydrated and maintains normal bowel function. Water helps flush out toxins from the digestive tract so they don’t accumulate in the colon and cause constipation, which can lead to bloating. Water also keeps your digestive system moving, so food passes through more quickly without having time to sit and ferment in your colon leading to gas production and bloating symptoms.

Avoid carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks, such as soda and sparkling water, are bad for your digestion. They may cause bloating because they contain carbon dioxide gas. This gas can cause stomach acid to build up and irritate your stomach lining. When the body gets rid of excess carbon dioxide, it does so by causing burping or belching. Carbonated beverages also cause you to swallow extra air, which makes you feel bloated.

Use peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is a natural product extracted from the leaves of the peppermint plant. It is a colorless, light, and clear liquid with a minty aroma. It is used as a flavoring agent in food products such as chewing gums, candies, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and toothpaste. It is also used to treat digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), heartburn, and bloating.

Peppermint oil acts on the digestive system by stimulating stomach contractions which helps in digestion. The active ingredient menthol found in peppermint oil relaxes muscles in the digestive tract and reduces pain caused by spasms or cramps due to gas or bloating. Menthol also has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in relieving muscle aches and pains that occur due to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Getting rid of pain does not have to be hard, but there are some things you might want to consider when deciding what is causing your stomach discomfort. A good healthy diet is a foundation. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol or sodas.