6 Helpful Tips for Beginner Fashion Influencers

Influencer marketing is one of the most efficient forms of advertising. Many influencers are authentic, have a loyal following, and are trustworthy, making them quite effective in persuading clients to purchase a product.

Social media users are always following big influencers to check out their posts and opinions, including what fashion trends they’re promoting. As a beginner influencer, there’s a lot you need to learn to be successful. Below are some helpful tips.

Discover your niche.

As a beginner influencer, it’s good to list your passions first to know what you like more and what you don’t. Finding your niche will help you learn more about what you do best. You must be honest with yourself to recognize the difference between your pursuits, including those you are great at and those you wish you were great at. If your heart and brain conflict with one another, you are in disequilibrium.

As you discover your niche, remember to factor in what people will pay good money for. Once you have a pretty good idea about the niche to get into, you will be better positioned to determine your niche profitability. For instance, if you love accessorizing, you can become a distributor or an affiliate of a wholesale jewelry supplier to supply your pieces to other people at wholesale prices.

Engage your audience.

An influencer must always be active on social media, their website, or any place they interact with their audience. It’s essential always to engage the followers who seek you first. If a person leaves a comment on your post, reply promptly and be as gracious as you can be. You may feel overwhelmed on social media as there are numerous mediums to manage, but leaving comments is pretty easy with a website.

It would help if you always tried to reach out to followers who contact you with queries and comments despite the challenges. Over time, your followers will associate you with being approachable and friendly.

Grow an email list.

An email list is a critical asset that you can build through your blog traffic. Influencers must also attract readers to sign up for their email list because you wholly own the lists. Social media is an effective tool, but a slight change in algorithm takes all that away instantly. This means that social media is constantly changing its algorithms, where influencers may notice a slight decrease in followers.

However, if you grow your email list from your blog’s inception, it will belong to you alone. Nobody can take that away from you as social media takes away followers. That’s why growing an email list is essential. You can entice readers to join your email list by offering them freebies and giveaways when they sign up. Just make sure that readers have an option to unsubscribe to email lists per express consent email marketing rules.

Create eye-catching content.

Every social media platform differs. For instance, Instagram is a visual network; thus, it’s perfect for fashion industry influencers. As a result, you must have high-quality and engaging images that resonate with your following and audience. Fashion influencers have amazing photos; therefore, yours shouldn’t be different. Your content must also be unique and always showcase your team, events, and all non-glamourous shots relevant to your audience. This will help you stand out as a fashion industry influencer.

The outfits in your image should contrast well with your background to make them stand out. Also, how much you are posting is not as important as the quality of what you post. It’s better to post once a week if you post relevant quality material that adds value to your readers.

If you have a blog, it should showcase your best work as a bad post can sully your hard-attained reputation. Every post should make your readers glad that they are reading your post.

Engage in different fashion communities.

As a beginner influencer, online fashion communities are critical to your success. You will get so much out of your membership in the fashion communities. You should also participate in informational webinars to help you grow your following. Another way to make it as an influencer is by interacting with your fellow fashion bloggers via social media groups. You will be exposed to many influencers who will help you in your journey.


If you have a great eye for fashion, you can become an influencer. As long as you have a fashion blog where you’ve chosen your niche and topic, and use good strategies to engage and grow your audience, you can achieve whatever you desire in the fashion industry.