6 Natural Remedies To Reduce & Prevent Hyperpigmentation

When your body begins forming unnecessary measures of melanin, spots and blemishes start showing up on the skin; this condition is called Hyperpigmentation.

Melanin is a kind of pigmentation that gives a hue to our skin, eye, and hair. Apart from this, it also protects cells from dangerous UV rays. The other cause of skin darkening is over the limit exposure to the sun. Hyperpigmentation can occur at any part of the body but is most commonly seen on the face, stomach, and hands. Also, patches can vary in colour intensity as well as size. This skin problem does not cause any pain but can be very irritating and alleviate your self-confidence. Hence it is vital to take appropriate prevention measures.

Many home remedies help in reducing and preventing Hyperpigmentation. In this piece of writing, we will discuss some of them. But if that doesn’t work, it is indispensable to seek the best cosmetologist or dermatologist in Mohali, Chandigarh, Delhi, or any other part of the country. Cosmetologists are the professionals who perform cosmetic hair, skin, and nail treatment. They enhance your look significantly and elevate your confidence.

Now let us dive into the 6 incredible tips that improve your skin pigmentation

  • Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an abundant source of acetic acid. It is prepared with the fermentation of apple extract. According to recent studies, acetic acid is beneficial in reducing skin darkness. It acts as a bleaching agent and fades away sports and patches from your chicks within a week.

To get the best results, it is recommended to mix it with honey and apply it to the affected area. You can smear on the whole face also; this gentle natural mixture will not do any harm. Leave it for at least 15 minutes and remove it with a damp cloth. For extra pigmented area treatment, you can dilute apple cider vinegar with a few drops of water and apply it for 3 minutes.

  • Vitamin C Can Help

Several face cream comes with vitamin C that enhances your skin brightness. You can invest in them. However, if you can’t buy expensive skincare products, it is better to apply accessible vitamin C sources (lemon, grape, and papaya juice). Vitamin C introduces antioxidants on the skin surface and lightens the complexion over time. The application of vitamin C containing fruit juices and products is also beneficial for achieving even skin tone.

Many people who are experiencing hyperpigmentation use vitamin C-rich sources along with other remedies to get better results.

  • Apply Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant with a plethora of medicinal properties. It is full of antioxidants and vitamins, which are essential for healthy skin as well as hair. The application of aloe vera gel on the face removes blemishes and neutralizes the effect of UV rays. It is the least expensive and effective way to get rid of Hyperpigmentation. Instead of buying aloe vera gel from the market, you can plant aloe vera in your kitchen garden and use them whenever needed.

  • Green Tea Is Beneficial

Next comes green tea. Applying and consuming it both are beneficial. Its key ingredient is EGC, which helps in altering skin pigmentation. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate works as an oxidant, and that helps in controlling over pigmentation. Green tea also compromises gallic and ellagic acid that beautifies the skin from the inside. So, using green tea face packs can make your skin clearer extensively.

  • Onion Juice

Undoubtedly onion’s smell is very strong; however, its juice is among the best natural sources to lighten Hyperpigmentation. It is rich in vitamin C that eliminates spots, smoothes skin, and removes pimples. You can easily squeeze its juice by the grating. Collect the juice in the bowl, mix a pinch of turmeric, and then apply it to the pigmented area for a few minutes.

  • Licorice Is Effective

Licorice is the flowering plant that belongs to the family of beans. It is widely used in Egypt to reduce and prevent dark patches on the skin. It reverses the cell damage and exfoliates the skin to make it glowing. It is available in the market as well as on several online stores. Take one tablespoon of Liquorice powder, mix it with rose water or ordinary water and smear gently on your face.

The Bottom Line-:

If you are not able to lighten the blemishes on your face even after trying all the above remedies, then specialist consultation will be required. Find out the best cosmetologist near you and get treated soon.